管理學院: 財務金融組指導教授: 游張松;李賢源陳宜君Chen, Yi-ChunYi-ChunChen2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274125所有產業存在,都在滿足人類「食衣住行育樂」等需求。而更重要的是,近年來,由於省時且便利等優點,人們越來越依賴「網路」來協助他們來滿足這些需求,網路對每個行業的影響力也就會越來越大。因此,全球知名大型網路公司在發展初期在人類「食衣住行育樂」等需求找個起始點,並在站穩腳步後快速切入人類的其他需求,在快速擴張及全球化階段多數均從事電子商務,一同搶奪市場大餅。 本研究由全球前五大網路公司中篩選有經營電子商務之網路公司-Amazon、eBay及騰訊,再加上甫上市的阿里巴巴公司為樣本,針對其經營模式進行了解,從設立至全球化網路公司,從營運模式之分析到收入比重之比較,了解所選之網路公司其特質及核心競爭力不同,是否影響其擴充路線。 第一部分探討電子商務公司種類,再依其電子生態彙總成一架構圖,以其架構,圖為基礎套用於上段所選出之樣本公司-Amazon、eBay、騰訊、阿里巴巴,再依其發展歷程,分段說明及分析各公司不同階段之架構圖,進而了解其營運模式之發展,說明各網路公司之起家本領及其擴充路線。 第二部分則是針對所選樣本公司之總體發展進行比較,分為營運模式、支付工具、起家本領、財務數據及未來性等五大項目進行比較,據以了解現階段各公司體發展之異同處,來驗證樣本公司之發展重心。 本研究顯示全球化之電子商務公司,最終雖殊途同歸一致走向網路雜貨店,唯各家公司之起家本領不同,有著不同的核心競爭力,往後的發展方向也就明顯不同,從各公司部門別的營收即可看出端倪。The reason for the existence of all the different kinds of businesses in the world is to satisfy a variety of human demands. In recent years, Internet stores have become one of the channels for buying goods, so Internet stores continue to open. More and more people rely on the Internet to assist them to satisfy their needs; therefore, the Internet has had a growing influence on every business. All the well-known international companies started with a single human need and quickly added others when their business was stable. In their globalization phase, those companies all do e-commerce business to get a share of the worldwide markets. In conducting sampling for the research, the world’s top Internet companies were considered, and 3 of them were selected as samples, namely Amazon, eBay, and Tencent. Besides, Alibaba group, which just had an IPO on the NASDAQ, was included in the sample. The business model of the sample companies was researched from when they were set up to when they globalized, and the companies were analyzed from business model to revenue streams. This research discusses the possibility that the development path would be affected by the differences in the initial business model. Chapter 4 discusses the variety of e-commerce companies, and develops as a business structure based on e-commerce transaction style. In addition, the research analyzes the sample companies’ development process by their structure and discusses different phases of the development model in order to understand those companies’ initial business model and development process. Chapter 5 compares five aspects of the sample companies to understand the differences in their development process. The five aspects are the final business model, payment system, initial business model, revenue streams, and development prospects in the future. This research shows that globalized e-commerce companies finally include all kinds of business as the goal, but their initial business models are different; therefore, the development processes are obviously varied, as shown by the revenue streams.論文使用權限: 不同意授權電子商務經營模式電子商務公司生態之架構物流策略第三方支付e-commerce business modele-commerce business structurelogistics managementpayment system國際化電子商務公司營運模式發展之研究Research regarding the business model development of international e-commerce companiesthesis