文學院: 中國文學研究所指導教授: 梅家玲吳佳鴻Wu, Chia-HungChia-HungWu2017-03-022018-05-292017-03-022018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271600中國白話小說基本的敘述型態大致是通過一名世故、對於普遍的道德議題或人情風俗發表一般性見解的說書人,以回顧、總覽全局的方式,為假想的聽眾陳說故事。然而,近代白話小說是如何開始擺脫全知的說書人進行敘事? 晚清小說中,有一類可稱為見聞小說。其文本的敘事者不再是權威的說書人,人物的見聞則主導了小說敘事的進行。小說內容不以連貫的情節為主,而更多是連綴而不相關的事件,《老殘遊記》與《新石頭記》可為其中代表。通過對見聞小說的研究,可以觀察近代白話小說中說書人口吻的退場,以及小說對於感受表達比重的升高。白話小說不再僅僅只是以乘載情節為主軸的文體,亦不限縮在以小說啟蒙新民等政治目的的緊箍咒中,近代通過小說表達個人感懷的傾向,實在見聞小說中已經逐步發展。 通過本論文的研究,筆者意在為晚清小說研究開拓新局。《老殘遊記》、《新石頭記》兩部優秀創作,是理解、探索相關問題絕佳的起點。小說通過旅人的參與、抒情與議論,帶出了作者的憤慨與憂鬱。晚清小說對於敘事角度的探索、對抒情性的實踐,未必和五四小說直接承接。然而對小說文體可能性的試探,卻是在晚清就已經開始進行。Chinese novels usually have a narrator which is described a virtual storyteller who knows everything about the story and keep showing his authority to virtual audiences. However, at the dawn of the 20th century, authors start trying to write novels without an arrogant storyteller. Narrators of novels were not nacessarily an arrogant storyteller but a narrator who hide himself and let character show the whole story for readers without any discussion from narrator. Analysising how those storyteller gone would be a main idea approach toward study Late-Qing novels, and the progress of the novels transformation in the Early 20th century Authors in Late-Qing were so eager to make whole society better that they tried to record social events in their novels. Therefore some novels are wrote like memoirs. On the other hand, in the absent of storytellers, the novels wrote like memoirs always have a traveler, like “ Lao Can”(老殘)of The Travels of Lao Can(老殘遊記). Through recording the travel, author show their mind in the travelers in novels.That’s why novel were no longer a genre merely told story but could discuss social events and express personal emotions. My dissertation studies on the narration of novels in Late-Qing, and mainly focus on the narrator’s authority. In the absent of storytellers, characters show their action and feel to readers directely. Trational novels are always stories with complicated plot and a noisy storyteller. However novels in the 20th century became much diverse in narrating.3376261 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權晚清見聞小說抒情文體革新近代文學Late-QingNovelNarratorThe Travels of Lao CanThe New Story of the StoneMemoir從見聞到敘事──晚清小說文體革新From Memoir to Narration:Transformation of Novels in Late-Qingthesis10.6342/NTU201602134http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271600/1/ntu-105-R01121001-1.pdf