臺灣大學: 人類學研究所黃士強顏廷伃Yen, Ting-YuTing-YuYen2013-03-192018-05-292013-03-192018-05-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247039本論文題為「考古學文化變遷與人群辨識的研究—二千年以來台南地區考古學文化變遷研究為例」,研究方法嘗試就歐美考古學的學術發展史出發,分析包括文化歷史學派、過程學派(processual archaeology)、以及後過程學派(post- processual)對於該研究議題的角度與方法;再者,本論文研究之「族群」,並非單指歷史文獻或口傳資料中才得見的「族」 或「社」,而是可就宗教、種族、國家、語言或地理區等特徵辨識「本我」與「他者」的不同族群,透過對於考古學文化變遷過程的討論,並從考古學研究方法切入,一方面試圖透過族群辨識議題的討論,重新詮釋考古學文化變遷的脈絡;另一方面也希望得以透過本研究案例的分析,重新檢視有關本議題方法論即理論性原則討論的相關問題。 論文內容特別針對從新石器時代晚期、金屬器時代至歷史時代初期的文化發展脈絡,亦即跨越「史前」與「歷史」二者表面上不同的時間架構進行討論,但是對於將「史前」與「歷史」絕然區分的方式,不僅阻礙了對於長期文化變遷脈絡的思考,也限制了對於考古學研究方法與目的的討論。因此,本文嘗試就法國年鑑學派影響下所建構的「長期文化變遷」概念的基礎,一方面從歷史發展過程的結構性分析,說明這種長期文化變遷的脈絡;另一方面則試圖分析影響文化變遷的各類型因素,就區域歷史文化發展之特殊性,一方面試圖找出合適於研究特定區域歷史之方法,另一方面則透過研究方法的驗證,嘗試建立該研究議題初步的理論性原則。 在這個長時期的考古學理論發展脈絡中,大抵可歸納出三個主要的研究概念與問題意識:「時間」概念與研究方法應用、物質文化的角色與研究方式、考古學文化變遷與族群本質,綜合不同考古學史之理論傳統,並參酌從考古學、民族學的研究脈絡所見的問題意識作為輔助思考的方向。為了進一步進行理論性原則與研究方法之驗證,本論文嘗試以台南地區的考古學文化變遷研究為例,並且就前後二個時間段落進行分切,前者以新石器時代晚期至金屬器時代中期(大湖文化晚期~蔦松文化中期)為例,從相異生業型態的「交換關係」作為切入點進行討論;後者則以金屬器時代中期至歷史時代初期(蔦松文化中期~歷史時代初期)為例,從文化接觸(encounter)的角度作為主要之切入點進行分析,透過這二個研究案例的分析,一方面試圖重新詮釋二千年以來台南地區的考古學文化變遷脈絡,另一方面也作為本研究議題之理論性原則與方法論的嘗試。 整體而言,本論文初步透過以二千年以來台南地區的考古學文化變遷的研究,分析從考古學辨識族群之研究方法,初步釐清長期文化變遷的結構、解釋影響文化變遷的因素、以及嘗試就考古學研究方法歸納出瞭解人群之形成與辨識的方法。但是,這個研究議題牽涉的問題其實相當廣泛,本論文也只是嘗試就一個小的時間段落、區域之考古學文化案例,作為驗證與分析的切入點,針對本研究課題,初步歸納未來可能的研究方向,包括考古學文化的溯源、多族群的交換與文化接觸過程、區域歷史的建構與文化變遷過程的詮釋、以及試圖建構以台灣為中心之「考古學文化變遷與人群辨識研究」的方法與理論原則。以上分別透過考古學研究中包括文化歷史與系統理論等不同的研究傳統與取向之分析,除了從作為「歷史」補充的方向思考之外,也從系統性理論的「科學」性建構的角度,重新思考有關考古學研究的目的。The intention of this research is to study the topic of 「The Inquiry to the Archaeological Culture transformation andthe Identity of People: The Archaeological Culture Transformation of the Tainan Area Since 2000 Years Age」, it’s based on European and American archeological history and development and attempted to analyze the viewpoints and methods of the studies including the cultural and historical archaeology, processual archaeology and post-processual archaeology. Further, the 「people」 of this study not only simply refers to the 「tribes」 or 「communities」 that can be found from historical data, but also refers to different ethnic groups identified by 「self」 from 「others」 according to the characteristics of religion, race, nation, language or geography. Through the discussion of the change of the archaeology culture, the research method of this research is to re-explain the context in the change of archeology culture. On the other hand, it is intented to re-examine the methodologies and theories related to the topic of this study through various cases analysis. This research especially focused on the discussion across the 「prehistoric」 and 「historic」 frameworks of the cultural development from the later stage of Neolithic Age, early Metal Age to early Historic Age. The classification between 「prehistoric」 and 「historic」 periods will interfere the long-term thinking of the cultural changes and limit the discussion of the research methodology and purpose. Based on the concept of the 「long-term cultural transformation」 proposed by the Annales School, this study attempted to explain the context of this long-term culture transformation through the structural analysis of the historical development process. In the meantime, this study also attempted to analyze all kinds of factors affected the cultural change in order to explain the context of this long-term cultural transformation. It is intended to find an appropriate research method to study a specific region and establish the initial theory principles of the research topic by testing and verifying the methodology of this study. This long-term archeology theory development can be concluded into three major research concepts and conscious of problems: the 「time」 concept and the application of research method, the role of materialistic culture and the research method, the transformation of archeology culture and the nature of the ethnicity. This research has taken different traditional archeology theories and the problems of the research context in archeology and ethnology to support the thinking of this study. To further test and prove the theory principles and research methods, this study has taken the transformation in archeology culture in Tainan region as example and divided the period into two stages. The first stage covers the period from late Neolithic Age to middle Metal Age (late Dahu culture ~middle Niaosong culture). The discussion started from the theme of the 「exchange relationship」 from different life styles. The second stage covers the period from the middle Metal Age to early Historic Age (middle Niaosong culture~early Historic Age). Two cases have been analyzed from the cultural encounter viewpoint. On one hand, it is hoped to re-explain the transformation of the cultural archeology in Tainan region since 2000 years ago. On the other hand, it is attempted to verify the theory principles and research method. In general, this research initially analyzed the research method of the ethnic identification, clarified the structure of the long-term cultural transformation, explained the factors affected the cultural transformation, and attempted to conclude the research methods for understanding the formation and the identification of the people through the cultural change in archeology in Tainan region. However, various issues are involved in this study. This research can only verify and analyze the thesis based on a small time period and regional archeology cases. The future direction of research included the origin of archeology culture, exchange among different people, procedure of cultural encounter, regional history structure, explanation on the cultural transformation process, and construct the method and theory principles of Taiwan’s 「cultural transformation in archeology and identification of people」. In addition, theses topics will be analyzed through the archeology research center including the cultural history and systematic theories. It is hoped to rethink about the purpose of archeology from both the supportive 「history」 perspective and the constructive 「science」 viewpoint.en-US考古學文化變遷蔦松文化西拉雅族族群本質年鑑學派西寮遺址Archaeologyculture transformationNiaosong CultureSirayaethnicityAnnales SchoolSiliao site考古學文化變遷與人群辨識的研究— 二千年以來台南地區考古學文化變遷研究為例The Inquiry to the Archaeological Culture transformation and the Identity of People: The Archaeological Culture Transformation of the Tainan Area Since 2000 Years Agethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247039/-1/ntu-100-D93125002-1.pdf