2007-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/682454摘要:高分子-奈米粒子混成太陽能電池相較於傳統無機矽系太陽能電池有諸多競爭優勢,包含有可撓性、質量輕、低溫製程、成本低廉、便於大面積製造等優點。 我們研究團隊,已開發出五種光電材料可製作太陽能電池,其分別為MEHPPV-CdS,MEHPPV-CdSe,P3HT-C60,P3HT-TiO2,及自組裝共聚高分子-奈米粒子,後兩項已申請台灣及美國專利。我們在P3HT-TiO2的太陽能電池中多加了一層TiO2的電子傳輸層,使得太陽能電池效率至少增加2.5倍,新穎的奈米粒子電子傳輸層,在專利布局方面具有獨占性(2006.6.專利申請)。自組裝共聚高分子-奈米粒子系統是具有創見的獨占性專利,專利布局方面是全面性的(2005.6.專利申請) 。我們要將本團隊已建立的P3HT-C60及P3HT-TiO2系統與工研院材化所及國家奈米元件實驗室共同開發,將材料量產及元件最佳化,建立成品製作程序,開發出來的技術的新專利將由合作單位共享。同時本團隊將現有的技術再精益求精,做改革性的創新,以達到高效率長壽命混成太陽能電池的目標。 本計畫的工作將分成二大部分,第一部分為現有技術的產業化,主要由台灣大學、工研院及國家奈米元件實驗室執行,包含高分子- TiO2系統及高分子-C60系統。目前效率為2-3%左右,面積為2mm2,我們將開發大面積單電池並將電池模組化,第一年開發單電池面積為2cm2,第二年面積4cm2,第三年面積8cm2,模組的面積為100cm2。第二部分將專注電池光電轉化率及壽命的提昇,主要由台灣大學執行,第一年效率為3-5%,壽命100hr/85℃,第二年效率為4-6%,壽命500hr/85℃,第三年效率為5-8%,壽命1000hr/85℃。 本技術的發展,將為產業建立自給自足的原材料及元件製作的程序,由上游一直做到下游,全面掌握混成太陽能電池的技術及利基,排除台灣目前電子產業代工、利薄的困境。 本技術在第二年完成後,材料的大量化及大面積電池的製程將進入穩定階段,產業界可以加入共同發展第<br> Abstract: Solar cell is a very important clean renewable energy source. However, currently, silicon based solar cell is too expensive to be used widely. Polymer based solar cell can be made in low cost. It also has the advantages of flexible, light weight and large area capability. Our research team has developed five polymer based solar cells using MEHPPV-CdS, MEHPPV-CdSe, P3HT-C60, P3HT-TiO2 and self assembled copolymer-nanoparticle active layer systems. The last two systems are very unique and we have filed dominate coverage of Taiwan patents and US patents. We are going to collaborate with Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and National Nano Device Laboratories (NDL) to develop prototype solar cells basis on P3HT-C60 system and P3HT-TiO2 system. At the same time, we continue to explore innovative approaches to increase cell efficiency and lifetime. The program involves two main parts. The first part is to develop prototype polymer solar cells from 2-3% efficiency, 2mm2 area laboratory cell. That will be carried out jointly by our team of National Taiwan University, ITRI and NDL. The deliverable of the project will be 2cm2-area single cell in the first year, 4cm2-area single cell in the second year and 8cm2-area single cell in the third year. The NDL will build 100cm2 solar cell basis on the developed large area single cell. The second part of the program is to improve current technology to reach 3-5% efficiency and 100hr/85℃ lifetime in the first year, 4-6% efficiency and 500hr/85℃ lifetime in the second year and 5-8% efficiency 1000hr/85℃ lifetime in the third year. The development of this technology will cover the manufacturing of raw materials, the fabrication process of solar cell and solar cell final product that will built Taiwan in the leading and dominate position, and have strong competitive edge in polymer solar cells. In the third year of the development program, the manufacture will be able to join the development to achieve our final goal with the single cell area of 8cm2 and module area 100cm2 for consumer electronic market.混成材料太陽能電池巨大異質界面高分子奈米粒子成品產業bulk heterojunctionhybrid materialsolar cellpolymernanoparticleprototype開發大面積高效率長壽命混成太陽能電池及其成品製作程序