生物資源暨農學院: 動物科學技術學研究所指導教授: 徐濟泰黃凱瑋Huang, Kai-WeiKai-WeiHuang2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274404本研究旨在探討不同黴菌毒素吸附劑吸附黃麴毒素B1(aflatoxin B1, AFB1)和嘔吐毒素(deoxynivalenol, DON)的能力。試驗使用不同劑量的無機吸附劑包含水合矽酸鋁鈣鈉(hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate, HSCAS)、沸石粉、竹炭粉和有機吸附劑包含瘤胃原蟲凍乾粉末、酵母粉分別給予0.1、0.2和0.5%之劑量,以及菌數為1010 CFU/mL的Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG(LGG)凍乾粉末進行個別1 ppm AFB1和2 ppm DON吸附測試,分別於磷酸鹽緩衝液(phosphate buffered saline, PBS)、模擬胃液(simulated gastric juice, SG)和模擬胃腸消化液(simulated gastrointestinal digestion, SGI)中比較吸附率。研究結果顯示AFB1吸附測試中,不管處於PBS、SG和SGI的狀態下,無機吸附劑吸附AFB1能力皆顯著大於有機吸附劑(P<0.05),而在有機吸附劑中,以LGG效果最好(P<0.05)。DON的吸附測試中,於PBS環境中,竹炭粉擁有最好的吸附能力(P<0.05),但當處於SGI中,以有機吸附劑和沸石粉有最好的吸附能力(P<0.05),但所有吸附劑在SG和SGI中對於DON的吸附能力均不達30%。綜述論之,於AFB1吸附測試中,無機吸附劑吸附能力大於有機吸附劑,但DON的吸附測試中,所有吸附劑對於DON的吸附能力皆不彰,因此有必要往其他吸附劑或是其他去毒方式研究。The objective of this study was to test on the selected common mycotoxin adsorbents to adsorb aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and deoxynivalenol (DON). Inorganic adsorbents (HSCAS, zeolite and bamboo charcoal) and organic adsorbents (rumen protozoa and yeast powder) were given 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5% in test. Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG(LGG)were given 1010 CFU/mL. All groups were tested for their ability to adsorb 1 ppm AFB1 and 2 ppm DON in PBS, simulated gastric juice (SG) and simulated gastrointestinal digestion (SGI), respectively. Results indicated that inorganic adsorbents had better ability to adsorb AFB1 than organic adsorbents (P<0.05) in PBS, SG and SGI. In organic adsorbents, LGG had the best ability to adsorb AFB1. In the test of DON adsorption, bamboo charcoal had the best ability to adsorb DON in PBS. But, zeolite and organic adsorbents had the best ability to adsorb DON in SGI. However, all adsorbents had lower than 30% binding levels of DON in SG and SGI. In conclusion, inorganic adsorbents had better ability to adsorb AFB1 than organic adsorbents. All adsorbents had inferior binding capability of DON. It is necessary to find other adsorbent or detoxification method to remove DON from feeds.1551441 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)黴菌毒素吸附劑瘤胃原蟲有機吸附劑黃麴毒素嘔吐毒素mycotoxinadsorbentrumen protozoaorganic adsorbentaflatoxindeoxynivalenol黴菌毒素清除劑對於黃麴毒素B1與嘔吐毒素吸附能力之比較Comparison of Adsorption Capacity of Mycotoxin Detoxification Agents on Aflatoxin B1 and Deoxynivalenolthesis10.6342/NTU201601610http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274404/1/ntu-105-R03626022-1.pdf