2012-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681078摘要:本計劃將研究吸附於脂雙層上之DNA自發性展開的現象,並利用此現象開發新一代的DNA分析平台。綜觀目前DNA分析技術的發展方向皆為提高對DNA行為的控制力,並精簡需要生化反應的步驟。而瓶頸則為缺少一個可以穩定操控DNA的平台。由最近以奈米孔洞進行DNA定序,以及利用奈米通道建立DNA基因圖譜的發展來看,利用侷限空間來限制DNA的行動,再進行想要的處理,是目前DNA分析技術的發展方向。 受到以上研究的啟發,我們延伸"侷限"的概念,提出利用帶狀脂雙層吸附DNA產生"帶狀平面型侷限"。利用DNA自身不交疊的特性,當DNA局限於帶狀平面時即會自發性地展開。另外,在前期的研究中我們也觀察到DNA吸附於具有夾角的脂雙層表面上時,也會自發性地吸附至夾角處並展開,我們稱此種現象為側壁夾角侷限。在本計畫中,我們規劃先系統性地研究DNA在"帶狀平面型侷限"及”側壁夾角侷限”二種狀況下自發性展開的行為,並利用此二種侷限狀態開發新的DNA分析平台。我們計畫在此平台上進行DNA電泳、產生DNA限制圖譜,並嘗試對DNA定序。本計畫預期將提供DNA在脂雙層上自發展開及DNA(或廣義的聚電解質)在準一維空間中行為的深入了解。本計劃的成果應用於DNA分析將有助於公共衛生(疾病的快速篩查,個人化體質醫療服務),以及其他相關應用。 <br> Abstract: We plan to investigate the phenomenon of the spontaneous unraveling of DNA adsorbed on lipid bilayer. The knowledge of this phenomenon will then be used to develop a new generation of platform for DNA analysis. The proposed study is inspired by the recent trend in developing new technology for DNA analysis, including DNA gene mapping and sequencing. The new platform is expected to outperform the current ones by enhancing the control over DNA behavior while minimizing the number of steps involving biochemical reactions. However, the bottleneck is the lack of a suitable method to provide better control on the motion of DNA. Inspired by this trend, we propose a new type of confinement called “strip” confinement. The strip confinement is defined when a molecule is confined in a narrow but flat plane or a “strip”. Such condition can be achieved when DNA is adsorbed on a narrow band of lipid bilayer. Under this condition, DNA will unravel spontaneously due to the excluded volume effect. In our previous study, we also found that DNA can be trapped and spontaneously extend along the foot of a wall covered by positively charged lipid bilayer. We call this phenomenon as the “sidewall” confinement. These two types of confinement are very different in their origin, but both cause DNA to extend. In this project, we thus plan to systematically study the behavior of DNA in strip confinement and sidewall confinement. We also plan to apply these two types of confinement to setup new platforms for DNA analysis. We plan to perform DNA electrophoresis, DNA restriction mapping, and to explore the potential of this platform for DNA sequencing. This project is expected to provide the insight of spontaneously unraveling of DNA on lipid bilayer and in-depth understanding of the behavior of DNA (or polyelectrolyte) in a quasi one-dimensional space. The proposed platform is also expected to have great impact on the area of public health (rapid disease screening, personal physical health services), and other related fields.DNA自發展開脂雙層帶狀平面型侷限側壁夾角侷限準一維空間DNA分析DNA spontaneously unravelinglipid bilayerquasi one-dimensionalStrip confinementsidewall confinementDNA analysis學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【DNA 於脂雙層上自發展開之研究與應用】