黃錦堂臺灣大學:國家發展研究所張國隆Chang, Kuo-LungKuo-LungChang2007-11-272018-06-282007-11-272018-06-282006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/56995本論文旨在詳實探究臺北市立國中教師兼任衛生組長於法令規定及工作執行上之現況及其困難,並提出大致可行之激勵措施,以提高教師接任或續任衛生組長之工作意願及表現。 本論文採用文獻分析法及問卷調查法,從各國中至臺北市立國中,從法令至實務,由兼任組長而衛生組長,先透過文獻分析法,再佐以問卷調查法進行研究。 本論文第一章為緒論,內容包括研究動機與目的、研究問題與概念界定、研究途徑、架構與方法及研究效果與限制。第二章則探討學者所提之角色衝突、工作壓力與工作激勵相關理論以及實務上之研究,以為本研究之理論基礎與分析架構。 第三章則於法令規定上,比較臺北市立國中教師與兼任組長之角色定位及工作職掌,同時分析兼任組長仍須參與何種會議;並闡明有關聘任、陞遷、待遇等法定權益之差異,以供本論文提出激勵措施之參考。 於釐清法令規定後,第四章中,研究者則分析兼任衛生組長之法定工作職掌及工作執行之現況,並參考衛生組長於問卷調查中所反映之意見,提出可行之激勵措施。 如此,本論文最末第五章,則歸納出所得結論與建議,以供相關人員、學校及主管機關之參考。本研究所獲致之發現與建議如下: 一、研究發現 經本研究探討發現,教師兼任衛生組長於工作執行上存在以下諸多困難: (一)在工作感受上 1.教師並無強烈意願,繼續兼任衛生組長。 2.教師兼任衛生組長,衛生工作不受支持。 3.工作執行之困難與成果,難獲他人瞭解。 (二)在工作職掌上 1.兼任組長職務法令繁瑣,難以全盤瞭解。 2.教師勉強兼任組長,容易產生角色衝突。 3.工作常與其他單位相關,權責劃分不清。 4.衛生工作執行程序過於繁雜,執行不易。 5.工作與其他單位多有牽連,然協調不易。 6.業務執行不易,易受主管機關行政裁罰。 (三)在工作環境上 1.工作所需設備或工具,常有不足或損壞。 2.衛生工作執行,較容易面臨危險或傷害。 3.衛生組長有關衛生意見,有時不受重視。 (四)在工作保障上 1.與其他組長或教師相較,待遇略顯不足。 2.教師兼任衛生組長,陞遷發展機會有限。 3.衛生組長去留,常常取決於校長及主任。 4.衛生組長多非衛生專長者,專業性不足。 二、建議 研究者提出以下激勵措施之建議,俾供相關教師、學校及主管機關之參考: (一)對工作感受上激勵措施之建議 1.學校應事先徵詢教師兼任衛生組長意願。 2.導師應以行動給予衛生組長支持和鼓勵。 3.學校應伺機宣導衛生組工作困難與成果。 (二)對工作職掌上激勵措施之建議 1.主管機關與學校應彙整相關法令及資源。 2.學校應增加人手以減輕衛生工作之負荷。 3.教育主管機關應速修正分層負責明細表。 4.主管機關應先簡化公文或表單處理程序。 5.學校應召集各單位負責人員協調及溝通。 6.主管機關不應將學校廁所納入公廁管理。 (三)對工作環境上激勵措施之建議 1.導師應督導學生於打掃時正確使用掃具。 2.學校總務處應派人疏通水溝及排水管線。 3.教育主管機關應定期回應衛生組長意見。 (四)對工作保障上激勵措施之建議 1.學校應減少衛生組長工作職掌以外工作。 2.學校應落實培育計畫增加衛生組長歷練。 3.學校調換工作應先徵詢衛生組長之決定。 4.學校應規劃新舊任衛生組長見習與交接。The main idea of this thesis is to probe how the statute and execution of being a Taipei municipal junior high teacher and Section Chief of Hygiene (SCH) work and what their inappropriateness is. Besides, some motivational measures would be provided to highly motivate the teachers to take or continue to be at the position of SCH. This thesis applies the Method of Documentary Analysis (MDA) and the Method of Questionaire Survey (MQS), which covers from every junior high to Taipei municipal junior high, from the statutes to practices, from the other section chiefs to SCH. The research would be proceeded in MDA and MQS. Chapter One is general introduction, which includes the motivation and the goal of the research, study issue and concept identification, research approach, structure and method, effect and limit of research. Chapter Two is to talk about what the scholars call “ the role conflict”, “work pressure” and “the theory and practice of work motivation” as the theoretical basis and analytic structure of this study. Chapter Three is to compare, according to the statutes, the role of a Taipei municipal junior high teacher with that of being a chief and the difference between their jobs. Meanwhile, in this chapter, what meeting a chief has to attend would be analyzed, and the differences in the employment, promotion, and treatment between these two jobs would be also illustrated to help make up the motivational measures. After clarifying the statutes, in Chapter Four, the researcher would analyze both the legal work and the execution of SCH. In addition, the researcher would refer to the suggestions of SCH on the questionnaire survey to make up workable motivational measures. In the end, there are conclusions and suggestions in Chapter Five for concerning authorities, school staff and supervisors to refer to. This study shows some Findings and suggestions as follows: I. Findings of the study: This study shows that many difficulties have been found when a teacher and SCH is carrying out his /her job. ( I ). How the executor feels: 1. Generally speaking, teachers don’t have any strong willingness to continue taking this position of a SCH. 2. As a teacher and SCH, their jobs can’t obtain others’ support. 3. Other people have difficulty understanding the obstruction in the execution of the work and outcome. (II). How the job works: 1. The statute of being a teacher and SCH is complicated and hard to completely understand. 2. Role conflict would happen easily when a teacher willingly takes the position of a chief. 3. The chief’s job is often related to the others’ but the duty isn’t clarified. 4. The procedure of hygienic administration is over-complex and hard to work out. 5. The chief’s job is mostly connected with other departments, but it’s hard to coordinate. 6. It is hard to execute the chief’s job but easy to get punished by the educational concerning authorities. (III). About the working condition: 1. The equipment or tools are often insufficient or amaged. 2. It is dangerous or harmful while doing the job of SCH. 3. The suggestions of SCH sometimes aren’t taken eriously. (IV). About the work guarantee: 1. The payment of SCH is lower than the other chiefs’ and teachers’. 2. The promotion and development of being a teacher and SCH is limited. 3. It is the Principal or the Director of Student Affairs that has the right to employ a teacher to be SCH. 4. The person becoming SCH mostly majors in non-hygienic fields, not professional. II. Suggestions: ( I ). The motivational measures on how the executor feels: 1. School authorities should ask the teacher if he/she is willing to take the position of SCH. 2. Homeroom teachers should take actions to support and encourage the SCH. 3. School authorities should announce from time to time difficulties and outcome of SCH. (II). The motivational measures on how the jobs works: 1. Educational concerning authorities and school administrators should integrate the related statutes and resources. 2. School authorities should provide more backups to diminish the loads of hygienic job. 3. Educational concerning authorities should hurry to modify the statement of duty distribution. 4. Educational concerning authorities should first simplify the procedure of paper work. 5. School authorities should assemble the director from each department to coordinate the business. 6. Educational concerning authorities shouldn’t treat school restrooms as public restrooms for management’s sake. (III). The motivational measures on the working condition: 1. Homeroom teachers should tell the students how to use brooms and dust bins while cleaning the campus. 2. The director of general affairs should help clean the ditches. 3. Educational concerning authorities should give SCH feedback periodically. (IV). The motivational measures on the work guarantee: 1. School authorities should decrease the job which is not what the SCH has to handle. 2. School authorities should enforce the plan of training to increase the SCH’s experience. 3. School authorities should request SCH’s decision before swifting his/her position. 4. School authorities should arrange an intern chief to take over and practice the job smoothly.摘要 I AbstractI II 誌謝 V 目次 VI 表次 VII 圖次 IX 附錄次 X 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究問題與概念界定 5 第三節 研究途徑、架構與方法 6 第四節 研究效果與限制 9 第二章 理論基礎與分析架構 11 第一節 國中教師兼任組長之相關概念 11 第二節 國中教師兼任組長之相關理論 15 第三節 國中教師兼任組長之相關研究 27 第四節 小結 30 第三章 臺北市立國中教師與兼任組長之比較 35 第一節 教師與兼任組長於角色定位上之比較 35 第二節 教師與兼任組長於工作職掌上之比較 48 第三節 教師與兼任組長於法定權益上之比較 67 第四節 小結 77 第四章 臺北市立國中兼任衛生組長工作現況之探討 80 第一節 兼任衛生組長之法定工作職掌事項 80 第二節 兼任衛生組長之實務工作經驗分析 95 第三節 兼任衛生組長之問卷調查結果統計 141 第四節 小結 158 第五章 結論與建議 164 第一節 研究發現 164 第二節 建議 172 參考文獻 1771072994 bytesapplication/pdfen-US國中教師衛生組長激勵junior high schoolteacherSection Chief of Hygiene(SCH)motivation臺北市立國中教師兼任衛生組長之研究A Study of Taipei Municipal Junior High Teachers Taking The Positions of Section Chief of Hygienethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/56995/1/ntu-95-P91341025-1.pdf