臺灣大學: 圖書資訊學研究所陳雪華林玉Lin, YuYuLin2013-03-222018-05-302013-03-222018-05-302012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251106資料庋用可協助研究人員維護、管理、保存與加值資料生命週期中的所有資料,使資料得以重複利用,目前已受到歐美各國的重視。而資料庋用的提供有賴資料庋用詮釋資料的建置,其以資料生命週期中的所有資料為對象,透過欄位描述,讓研究人員得以檢索、辨識並取用資料,從而促進資料的重複利用。目前資料庋用詮釋資料屬於新興領域,本研究以此為主題,乃希冀透過提出資料庋用詮釋資料的建置大綱,做為國內學術圖書館的參考,使圖書館據此發展新服務。 承上述理念,本研究綜整資料庋用詮釋資料的意涵、欄位、應用計畫與建置步驟,同時依循建置步驟進行研究,尋找並整合DataShare Profile、DataStaR minimum metadata、DataCite Metadata Schema三個符合需求之欄位,經由12位臺灣大學教師的訪談、12筆詮釋資料的試填,與臺大圖書館編目館員共同修訂22個建議欄位。 本研究之研究成果包含四點:1.引入資料庋用詮釋資料之概念,使國內注意到其發展趨勢;2.說明資料庋用詮釋資料的建置步驟並提供本研究建置經驗之建議;3.提出融入國外經驗、臺灣大學研究人員與編目館員意見的資料庋用詮釋資料建議欄位;4.促使研究人員由資源合集層次檢視資料,便於使用者探索資源。 最後,根據研究結果,依對象不同提供三面向的建議。在資料庋用計畫執行者方面,包括培養資料庋用專業人員、徵集具學科背景者參與資料庋用計畫;就建置欄位者而言,包含需瞭解研究人員的庋用需求與資料典藏建置概況、初期自少數學科發展欄位、以應用綱要方式建置欄位、使用語意網發展欄位、持續關注資料庋用詮釋資料的發展;至於著錄詮釋資料內容者方面,則包括考量個別欄位著錄的詳簡程度、促進研究人員對資源合集層次概念的理解與認同、使用半自動化的欄位著錄方式。此外,對於未來研究,建議可探討非以研究資料為描述對象之資料庋用詮釋資料、依據實際描述對象發展欄位,以及從資料生命週期的觀點發展欄位。Data curation, which attracts lots of attention in North America and Europe, can help researchers maintain, manage, reuse, and add value to data in its life cycle. The supplication of data curation depends on metadata, which allows researchers to retrieve, identify, and access data through describing data. The methods of constructing metadata in data curation are on its development; therefore the purpose of this thesis is to guide academic libraries by providing an outline about constructing metadata in data curation. The research first discusses the meaning, fields, applications, and constructing steps of metadata in data curation, and then follows those steps to conduct metadata in practice. Firstly researcher integrates the fields of three kinds of metadata in data curation, including DataShare Profile, DataStaR minimum metadata, DataCite Metadata Schema from three foreign researches, resulting in 22 fields.Secondly researcher interviewed 12 professors in the National Taiwan University (NTU) for their opinions toward metadata, and described 12 kinds of data with those fields. Finally researcher revised the original fields with the catalogers in the NTU Library and ended up with 22 fields. There are mainly four contributions of this research of metadata in data curation. They introduce the concept of metadata in data curation, provide the constructing steps and suggestions, and develop the fields based on foreign researches and opinions from professors and librarians in the NTU, and prompt researchers to view data from collection-level then making resource more easily discovered. Some suggestions are found to be useful for constructing metadata in data curation. For data curation conductors, they may first train people to become data curation specialists, and invite domain experts to participate data curation. For metadata constructors, they should understand development of domain data repositories as well as researchers’ needs; they should also develop fields by starting from few subjects, as well as using semantic web and keeping attentions to the development of metadata in data curation. For those who describe data, they should consider how detailed each field should be, help researchers understand and accept collection-level metadata, and use semi-automatic description methods. In addition, for researchers in the future, they may focus on metadata for non-research data, develop fields based on actual applications, and construct fields concerning data life cycle.140 bytestext/htmlen-US資料庋用詮釋資料學術圖書館data curationmetadataacademic library資料庋用詮釋資料之建置方法Approaches to Constructing Metadata in Data Curationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251106/1/index.html