2005-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/652045摘要:本研究擬透過待領養動物即時視訊的提供達到提高待領養狗資訊的透明度,增加 流浪狗被領養的機率與建立關懷動物的資訊社群。此系統必須與已建置的資訊管 理系統做進一步的整合。整體成果可推廣至所有的收容所。預期達成功效包括: 1. 提高領養率 2. 提高待領養狗資訊的透明度 3. 提高民眾對公立收容所的認識與互動 4. 建立關懷動物的資訊社群 5. 簡化收容所管理工作與例行性報表製作流程 6. 提高收容所與中央單位瀏覽、檢索和分析之便利性 <br> Abstract: The focus of this study is to develop an image system allow general public to browse the condition of animals through the internet. The system has to be integrated with the management information system developed previously. The successful integration of the two systems can then promoted to all public animal shelters in Taiwan. The expected outcomes are as follows: 1. Increase the adaption rate of animals. 2. Increase the degree of transparent for adaption information of animals. 3. Increase the interaction between animal shelters and general public. 4. Make easy of the routine tasks of management. 5. Simplied the routine reporting process 6. Allow the governing organization to browse, retrieve,and analyse related data through internet.動物收容所網站網際網路資訊管理系統影像animal shelterweb siteinternetMISImage公立動物收容所資訊管理應用系統之建立