2008-01-022024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678716摘要:蜜蜂為無脊椎動物中已被行為試驗證實具有色覺的動物之ㄧ。前人研究指出,顏色相關的神經訊號處理主要在蜜蜂大腦第三視葉(lobula),而在這些視神經訊號中又以顏色拮抗細胞最為重要。顏色拮抗細胞已被認為與辨識顏色能力有極大的關係。行為研究指出,蜜蜂的色覺功能只有在光環境下才表現出來,並且也必須在一定的光強度下才有顏色拮抗作用產生。因此,為了研究顏色拮抗細胞對光強度變化所產生的反應,本研究擬以電生理細胞內記錄技術來探討該細胞之相關特性。由於細胞內記錄技術可以將染劑打入所記錄之細胞,對於組織學上的探討亦可以隨之進行。顏色拮抗組織的光強度反應依變現象將可藉由此研究進行深入探討。此外,在光適應之下的顏色拮抗細胞的反應特性亦將於本計劃探討之,以更進一步了解顏色拮抗細胞如何在複雜的光環境中表現其辨識顏色的功能。 <br> Abstract: The honeybee, Apis mellifera L., is one of the invertebrates that have been proven to have color vision through behavior tests. Previous study has shown that the chromatic information processing in the lobula of honeybee could be diverse with response patterns. Among those visual neurons, color opponent cells (COCs) have been thought the most important neurons for color discrimination. However, in the natural world, color vision of honeybee only expresses in luminant environment. The behavioral tests showed that bees performed color vision only above a certain intensities of light stimulus. Thus it is possible that there is a neural response threshold in the color opponent system. To reveal the existence of neural threshold, intracellular recording technique will be applied in this study. With intracellular recording technique applied on this project, it is possible to inject dye to the recorded COCs and to study the morphology of the cells. Responses of higher order visual interneurons, especially the COCs, to different light intensities of flashes will be recorded under dark-adapted to characterize the chromatic pattern of COC. The intensity-dependent phenomenon will be identified by this study, which can indicate that the neural response patterns were different dependent on the stimulus intensity and the neural sensitivities. Additionally, the response pattern of the COCs under light-adapted condition will be revealed by this study to demonstrate the signal processing of color vision in the compound eye system. It is very likely and expected that some neural modulation for the intensity-dependent phenomenon might play a key role for the COCs to deal with the complex light environment.顏色拮抗細胞色覺昆蟲視覺蜜蜂color opponent cellcolor visioninsect visionhoneybeeProcessing of chromatic signals in the color opponent neural system of honeybee,Apis mellifera