2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714812The mission of the Department of Internal Medicine is as follows: 1.To teach students and physicians in the field of general internal medicine recognizing that it is an integral part of primary care. 2.To provide compassionate, competent, and cost-effective care to the patients. Through research, attempt to solve existing problems, provoke new understandings, and conduct studies directed towards the relief of human suffering, enhancement of human health, and to the general betterment of the human condition. There are 9 divisions in the Department of Internal Medicine and the research interests are diverse. For chest division, there are many breakthroughs in lung cancer research. The major interest of research in Hematology Division is the pathogenesis of hematological malignancies, especially the genetic and epigenetic alterations in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia. The research activities in Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism include the genetics, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of thyroid cancer, Graves’ disease, osteoporosis, adrenal disease, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Research in Cardiology include lipid disorders, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, cellular electrophysiology, hypertension, heart failure and transcatheter therapeutics. The Chin-Shan Cardiovascular Cohort Study is the most important epidemiological study in Taiwan. Gastric cancer and Helicobacter pylori studies are our important achievements, while our hepatitis and liver cancer research are also famous worldwide. There are also many good performances in the fields of evidence-based medicine, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, AIDS and other infectious diseases. Major achievements in Rheumatology are Lactoferrin studies and glucose regulated protein 78 studies.1945年日本投降後,台北帝大醫學部及附屬醫院,改名為台灣大學醫學院及第一附屬醫院。光復後第一內科主任由翁廷藩副教授擔任,第二內科由林茂副教授負責,第三內科則是鄭培禮副教授。三個內科的分設由來已久,乃承襲日本之建制,後來於1950年6月經傅斯年校長指示合併成為一個內科。同年8月即實施住院醫師制度。這是排棄日、德講座制度而採用美國醫學院與醫院制度之故。 當時,世界各國內科沒有細分專科。然內科學範圍很大,一位內科醫師不可能對所有內科病人做精密診療,蔡錫琴主任將內科分為各次專科,這是國內醫學次專科之先河,空前的創舉。各次專科的醫師不但學有專長且醫術精湛,深獲病人信賴,而且熱心教學及研究,為內科建立了良好的學術研究風氣,這是台大內科引以為傲的特色。 本科在研究及教學上屢有重大成就,回饋社會。例如:王德宏、王正一當選行政院傑出科技人才獎;謝博生、王榮德與楊泮池先後當選十大傑出青年;宋瑞樓、陳定信、楊泮池、陳培哲榮膺中央研究院院士,此乃學術界最崇高的地位。 在歷任主任的領導下,台大內科全體同仁孜孜不倦地辛勤工作,現在各部門包括門診、病房、特殊檢查及各專科研究室。門診部分包括一般門診、各專科特別門診;病房部分依照各專科性質分為專科病房與共同病房,另有加護病房、呼吸照護中心和血液透析室等。檢查部門包括內視鏡、心導管室、超音波室等。各專科研究室則負責學術研究及創新發展。由於各部門之共同努力,不但提供高品質及高水準的醫療服務,也同時做為醫學生和住院醫師教學及訓練最佳場所。 過去幾十年來內科在心臟血管病、肺癌、肝炎、消化道疾病、腎炎、高血壓、糖尿病等疾病的研究都有相當傑出的成果,我們希望在現有的基礎上,更進一步擴大研究範圍,提高研究水準,並將特別加強對於現在國內急待克服的疾病,如:心臟血管疾病、肝炎、癌症的研究,以具體的成果增進全體國民之建康。Internal Medicine-NTUHAcademic Institute