2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714859(1) Academic and Research Activities In addition to the periodic publications of the Review of Agricultural Extension Science, seminars and symposium related to agricultural education, strategies of agriculture, or rural development are held two or three times each year. Well-known specialists or outstanding alumni are invited to lecture such meetings. Sometimes, scholars or specialists from abroad are also invited in order to exchange the latest technology and research information. For many years, the faculty members in the department have cooperated with National Science Council, Council of Agriculture, and various Farmer's Organizations to conduct numerous studies in the fields of rural sociology and extension education. (2) Extension Activities Through the Committee of Agricultural Extension, NTU, the Rural Youth Research Association, and the 4-H club, NTU, the department have cooperated with other departments in the College of Bioresources and Agriculture, and have participated actively in the rural community services and extension activities. Moreover, the department also works with agricultural administrative institutions and other farmer's organizations to implement counseling, planning and evaluating activities. Training programs or workshops for extension agents are held during summer and winter sessions every year. In the future, these activities will even be expanded to the international cooperation services all over the world.本系學術領域具有跨領域科技整合之特性,著重以傳播行銷方法整合社會發展理論應用於農業生產、人類生活與社會永續發展等多元面向。 專業課程特色在於培養學生瞭解生農產業與社會發展之全球脈動,訓練學生運用媒體傳播與創新科技,掌握市場消費與行為趨勢、以便對生產者和消費者進行即時而有效的傳播與行銷,俾能提高生產者之效益與滿足消費者之需求。 整體而言,希望培養有能力應用傳播行銷方法於生農產業之生產端與消費端的優秀人才,以改善人類之生活品質與福祉,邁向永續社會發展之終極目標。Bio-industry Communication and DevelopmentAcademic Institute