2016-02-232024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/656027摘要:雪山地區為臺灣高山生態系研究重要區域之一,然而該地區因運輸可及性較困難、高山天氣變化劇烈等因素,相關氣候等研究資料相較其他地區較零散,完整之高山生態系氣象蒐集將有助於雪霸國家公園進行高山生態系經營管理與棲地復育之參考。本計畫延續104年度之雪霸國家公園「雪山地區長期氣象站建置諮詢與雲霧水捕集實驗」,整理雪山主東峰線雪山圈谷以及369山莊山氣象站7年資料(2009年11月~2016年11月),更新29種氣象參數之1~12月逐時變化參考數據。再者,協助雪霸國家公園雪見氣象站加入中央氣象局自動站網和網頁即時呈現。 此外,持續進行369山莊周遭與後方斜坡雲霧水攔截測試,與當地氣象資訊交叉分析來定量評估當地雲霧水量,並提供369山莊建物氣流穿越之計算流體力學之電腦模擬,做為未來山莊改建與增設雲霧水攔截網的參考。<br> Abstract: Shei-San region is one of the mountain ecosystems researching sites in Taiwan. Due to the difficulty of transportation and mountain weather challege, the long-term climate information is rare. The continuous meteorological data collection could provide useful reference message for ecosystem management and habitat recovery plan. This project extends the previous project “consult on long-term Shei-San meteorological station and the field experiment on cloud-fog water harvest” to update the database to November of 2016 and the 29 variables’ hourly-mean tables. We will play the consultant role to help Shei-Jan weather data in Shei-Pa National Park connecting with Central Weather Bureau (CWB) database and webpage display. Meanwhile, we will keep the cloud-fog water harvet experiment surrounding 369 mountain hut this whole year, and run computing fluid dynamic (CFD) model to simulate air flow passing through 369 mountain hut. This task could give reference for 369 mountain hut re-model plan on cloud-fog mesh setting.雪霸國家公園雲霧水攔截計算流體力學Shei-Pa National Parkfog harvestcomputing fluid dynamic雪山地區長期氣象資料收集與雲霧水捕集成效評估