2008-11-222024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/660386摘要:台灣地區經常承受颱風、豪雨與洪水之天然災害,長期以來我們就努力從事防洪與災害防治工作,防洪工程在早期比較著重於工程結構方法來約束洪水,近期則比較重視採用非結構方法比如洪水預警來減少災害,由於台灣地形特殊,河川短促陡峻,暴雨逕流形成之稽延時間甚短,單純依靠河川之洪流演算可能無法滿足預警之需要,為供給決策單位充份之時間發佈警告訊息,在洪水預報系統中必須建立比較可靠之降雨、逕流及洪水預報機制。 本計畫是以西螺地區易淹水之重要排水路作為本計畫調查及分析之對象,希望能將西螺區域內各重要排水建立一套雨量-逕流和洪水預報機制;包括降雨和淹水的關係、淹水範圍、水深及淹水原因等,同時研擬水害減災對策及因應、有效達到防洪預報及減災之效果。 <br> Abstract: Because Taiwan often suffers natural hazard, like typhoons, storms, and floods, we devote to flood prevention and disaster mitigation for a long time. The structure for flood prevention is built for confining flood while engineers recently focus on non-structure method, like flood early warning system. Due to the topography of Taiwan and the high slop of river, the lag time of rainfall-runoff processes is very short. It is not enough only to early warn the flood based on river routing. Consequently, it is necessary to build a reliable rainfall-runoff flooding forecasting system to help decision makers have enough time to issue the warning alarm. This project is to build a rainfall-runoff and flooding forecasting system for the high potential inundation area of Hsilo with important drainage system, including rainfall-inundation relation, inundation extent, inundation depth, and the reason of inundation as well as proposing the policy of flooding mitigation.淹水降雨-逕流歷程預警系統inundationrainfall-runoff processesearly warning system雲林農田水利會灌區淹水預報及減災計畫