理學院: 心理學研究所指導教授: 張素凰洪國倫Hung, Kuo-LunKuo-LunHung2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272082本研究旨在探討社會焦慮者在社交情境中辨識表情時,是否會自動化地受到情緒脈絡(如在場其他人的表情)與目標表情之間一致性的影響,造成和一般人在辨識方面的差異。認知模式假設社會焦慮者在社交場合中,自我的負向基模會被激活,對於社會威脅刺激會較為警覺,並可能導致負向解釋偏誤(Clark & Wells, 1995; Rapee & Heimberg, 1997),造成對表情的誤解。而實際上表情常伴隨其他情緒線索出現,對這些脈絡的訊息處理也可能是左右表情判斷的關鍵因素。Fazio、 Sanbonmatsu、Powell與Kardes(1986)在促發實驗結果發現,當目標和促發項之情感價性一致時,受試者的反應時間較不一致時短,稱之為情感促發效果。根據此一原理,本研究採用閾下刺激促發實驗,在受試者辨識目標表情前,呈現另一張與目標種類一致/不一致的閾下表情照片作為促發項,以探討情緒脈絡對於表情辨識的影響。本研究為3×2×5×2之四因子混合設計,受試者間變項為社會焦慮組別(高社會焦慮組、類廣泛性焦慮症組、一般組),以及社會焦慮情境操弄(虛擬演講組、放鬆組),每組各20人,一共120位受試者;受試者內變項為表情種類(快樂、中性、生氣、厭惡、輕視),以及促發項與目標項之一致性(一致、不一致)。本研究之依變項為表情辨識之正確率、反應時間,以及錯誤率,此外,本研究並進一步分析錯誤之傾向。研究結果顯示,在正確率方面,一般組在放鬆情緒下,不一致嘗試的正確率較一致嘗試高,高社會焦慮組則無此現象。在虛擬演講情境操弄下,一般組及高社會焦慮組在一致嘗試的正確率皆較不一致嘗試時高,顯示了情感促發效果。在反應時間方面,虛擬演講組的受試者在判斷不一致嘗試所花費的時間顯著高於一致嘗試,放鬆組在一致或不一致的嘗試中則無差異,且在一致嘗試中,虛擬演講組的反應時間短於放鬆組。在錯誤傾向方面,則發現高社會焦慮組將輕視辨識為快樂的比例較其他組高。研究結果進一步指出,高社會焦慮組在放鬆操弄下,由於實驗過程亦為社交情境,可能因此仍感到些許焦慮而使認知資源不足,無法如一般組有足夠的認知資源將與目標不一致的情緒線索整合比較,輔助其對目標表情的判斷。根據本研究結果,相關的臨床介入可以運用正念等方式,協助社會焦慮者將注意力平均分配在目標以及周圍的情緒脈絡上,以不批判的態度去單純感受這些訊息,俾能有更多的認知資源可以運用,將不一致之線索整合,進而提升表情辨識正確率,以利於後續社交活動的進行。Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the congruency between emotional context (e.g., others’ expressions) and target expressions would automatically influences the recognition of facial expressions of socially anxious individuals during social interactions. Cognitive models assumed that expose to social context would activate negative self-schema in high social anxiety individuals, which might lead to hypervigilance to related social threat stimuli, as well as negative interpretive biases (Clark & Wells, 1995; Rapee & Heimberg, 1997) and consequently contribute to misunderstandings of others’ expressions. Facial expressions often include other contexts in real life, which might play an important role in affecting the recognition of facial expressions. Fazio, Sanbonmatsu, Powell, & Kardes (1986) defined “affective priming effect” as when the targets and primes share same value of evaluations, the individuals’ response times would be shorter than when the targets and primes are incongruent. Inspired by these findings and theories, the present study adopted the priming paradigm, by presenting subliminal expressions (primes) prior to targets, to elucidate the role of contexts in the recognition of facial expressions.Method: The present study recruited 120 participants, with high social anxiety, high generalized anxiety, and controls being 40, respectively. A 3×2×5×2 mixed design was performed with group and situation (speech and relax) being the between-subjects factors, and category of expressions (happy, neutral, angry, disgust, and contempt) and congruency (congruency and incongruency) being the within-subjects factors. The dependent variables were accuracy, response time, error rate, and error tendency. Results and conclusions: Under relax condition, the accuracy for the control group in incongruent trials was significantly higher than congruent ones, but the socially anxious group did not show this effect. Under speech condition, both the control group and the social anxious group made more mistakes in incongruent trials than congruent ones, indicating the effect of affective priming. The reaction time analysis displayed that under speech condition, it took longer to react in incongruent trials than in congruent ones, while relax group showed no difference of reaction time between these two kinds of trials. Moreover, among all the congruent trials, the reaction time of the speech group was significantly shorter than the relax group. Analysis of error tendency showed it was more likely for socially anxious participants to misjudge contempt as happy expression than other groups did. The current research inferred that since the experiment itself required social interaction, the socially anxious participants in the relax group might still get a little anxious, and hence, didn’t have sufficient cognitive resources to integrate incongruent emotional contexts into their judgment process of facial expressions. Based on these research findings, future interventions may include elements such as ”mindfulness” to help socially anxious individuals to mindfully aware the target and related emotional cues, and to experience these feelings nonjudgmentally, such that they can integrate these cues and make precise evaluation of facial expression, which may be the first step to subsequent social interactions.1826667 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/7/26論文使用權限: 同意無償授權社會焦慮表情辨識情緒脈絡一致性閾下情感促發social anxietyrecognition of facial expressionsemotional context congruencysubliminal affective priming社會焦慮者對表情的辨識:閾下情緒脈絡與表情一致性之影響Facial Expression Recognition in Socially Anxious Individuals: The Effect of Congruency between Subliminal Emotional Context and Facial Expressionsthesis10.6342/NTU201601003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272082/1/ntu-105-R01227211-1.pdf