臺灣大學: 護理學研究所蕭妃秀; 陳祈安;孫秀卿謝佳真Hsieh, Chia-ChenChia-ChenHsieh2013-04-162018-07-072013-04-162018-07-072011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257896背景:近幾年由於婦癌篩檢的推廣以及治療的進展,使許多罹癌婦女的存活期因而延長,伴隨而來的是如何與病共存的挑戰,因此婦癌存活者生活品質的探討儼然成為重要課題。 目的:比較婦癌存活者與非罹癌婦女之生活品質,以及睡眠、心理困擾、性功能、親密關係和生活品質的相關性。 方法:採個案對照研究法(case control study),85位已完成治療六個月以上之婦癌存活者為個案組,85位社區中年齡配適(Age-matched)之未罹癌婦女為對照組。透過結構式問卷進行資料收集,包括:「基本資料量表」、「SF-12生活品質量表」、「MOS睡眠品質量表」、「貝氏憂鬱量表」、「焦慮狀態評估量表」、「性生活量表」與「親密關係量表」。以平均數差異檢定、相關分析和階層迴歸分析比較兩組的生活品質及其影響因素。 結果:本研究結果發現相較於對照組,婦癌存活者在生活品質、睡眠品質、心理困擾和親密關係方面沒有顯著困擾,但在性生活方面,目前沒有性生活的人數較多,且有較低的性愉悅和較高的性困擾。較高程度的焦慮依附可預測婦癌存活者較差的生理健康層面之生活品質,而無宗教信仰和有慢性病則可預測非罹癌婦女較差的生理健康。焦慮同時是兩組婦女心理健康層面之生活品質的預測因子。疾病治療相關變項和性功能對婦癌存活者之生理健康和心理健康皆無顯著預測力。 結論:婦癌患者於存活期的生活品質可恢復至與非罹癌婦女相同,但在性生活方面仍存在較多困擾。兩組生活品質預測因子的差異在於焦慮依附僅會影響婦癌存活者的生理健康,而焦慮情緒則普遍影響兩組婦女的心理健康。結果或許說明婦癌患者於存活期雖然有較差的性功能,但對親密關係的不安全感才是影響其生理層面之生活品質的主要因素。Background: In the recent years, the survival rates of gynecological cancer patients have been increasing due to advances in the screening and treatment. How to live with the cancer becomes a great challenge for survivors. Therefore, it urges to study about the quality of life among gynecological cancer survivors. Purpose/Objectives: To compare quality of life and it’s related factors including sleep, psychological distress, sexual functions between gynecological cancer survivors and healthy women. Methods: This case-control study included 85 gynecological cancer survivors with completing active treatments for at least 6 months and 85 age-matched community women with no cancer history as a control group. Data were collected by using structured questionnaires including “personal characteristics questionnaire,” “SF-12 Health Surveys (SF-12),” “the MOS 12-Item Sleep Scale (MOS-sleep),” “Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI),” “State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI),” “Sexual Activity Questionnaire (SAQ), and “The Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R).” Results: There were no significant differences in the quality of life, sleep problem index, psychological distress, attachment-related anxiety or attachment-related avoidance between cancer survivors and healthy groups. However, compared with healthy control group, the lower sexual activity rates, lower sexual pleasure and higher sexual distress were shown in cancer survivor group. Hierarchical regression model revealed that higher levels of attachment-related anxiety played as the main predictor for the lower physical component summary (PCS) scores in cancer survivor group while without religious beliefs, and with chronic illness were the predictors for the lower PCS scores in healthy control group. Anxiety acted as a predictor for lower mental component summary (MCS) scores in both groups. Notably, either disease and treatment related variables or sexual functioning variables could not predict quality of life in cancer survivor group. Conclusions: The quality of life was comparable between gynecological cancer survivors and healthy women but sexual function distress more likely occurred in the cancer survivors. The main differences in the factors influencing quality of life between two groups were that the attachment-related anxiety only affected physical healthy in gynecological cancer survivors. Nevertheless, anxiety levels affected mental health for both groups. These findings suggested that gynecological cancer survivors had lower sexual function; however, rather than sexual function, the sense of insecurity in close relationships was the main factor influencing their physical aspect of quality of life.1098050 bytesapplication/pdfen-US婦癌存活者生活品質性功能焦慮依附焦慮個案對照研gynecological cancer survivorsquality of lifesexual functionattachment-related anxietyanxietycase-control study[SDGs]SDG3比較婦癌存活者與健康婦女之生活品質及其影響因素The comparison of quality of life and its related factors between gynecological cancer survivors and healthy womenthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257896/1/ntu-100-R95426021-1.pdf