國立臺灣大學政治學系Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University包宗和Bau, T.H.T.H.Bau2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-281997-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281723近幾年來的民調結果顯示,國內民眾明顯支持在現階段以維持兩岸現狀為宜,未來則各有統獨偏好之不同,而又以傾向統一之比較率高。唯兩岸僵局的持續,似乎有使民眾統獨偏好朝兩極化發展的趨勢。民眾對兩岸互動交流的態度與政府的大陸政策差距不大,且多持正面看法,唯傾向以對等與互惠為前提。在交流項目方面,民眾相當肯定文教與經貿交流的重要性。對經貿交流的唯一顧慮即國家安全與國家利益的考量。民眾傾向認定兩岸關係與外交關係應該並重,但在兩者對比時,仍有相對多數支持外交關係的優越性。民調也顯示中共過去一年多對我進行之武力威嚇並未顯著影響民眾對兩岸交流的看法,顯見民意在兩岸交流問題上有其穩定性。此外,從省籍、族群認同及政黨認同等因素分析中,可以看出對大陸情結較重的受訪者對兩岸交流往往抱持更積極的態度。The findings of this study show that people strongly support the status quo at this point with regard to the issue of reunification and independence. However, national reunification is still favored as a future choice. The continuity of current stalemate might bring about the bipolarization of political position. Fundamentally, the attitudes of people towards interaction across the Taiwan strait are positive and concurrent with the mainland policy of the goverment. Nevertheless, "equality" and "mutual benefits" are demanded by the respondents. The importance of cultural and trade links between mainland and Taiwan are recognized, although people are slightly worried about the latter for the sake of national security and national interests. On behalf of the priority of mainland policy and foreign policy, people tend to endow both issues with equal weight. Foreign relations is still superior to mainland-Taiwan relations under a comparison. The polls also show that the coercive policy of Beijing towards Taiwan has almost nothing to do with the attitudes of the people on Taiwan towards interaction across the Taiwan Strait. Public opinion is very stable in this sense. Moreover, the study finds that the people with clear Chinese mainland comples in terms of ethnic and party identification tend to choose a more active and positive position towards interaction across the Taiwan Strait.從民意調查看國內民眾對兩岸與外交關係的認知People's Perceptions of Taipei's Relationship with Chinese Mainland and Foreign Countries--An Examination of Public Opinion Pollsjournal article