2005-08-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/664621摘要:保險人與要保人間締結契約時,於保險制度之運作上,為求準確估計危險並酌定 保險費,多仰賴於要保人或被保險人對於影響保險人危險估計之重要事實據實告 知。同時於契約存續期間,因危險之增加往往亦為保障保險人得依循情事變更原 則與維持保險費與其所承擔危險間之對價關係,亦賦予要保人或被保險人於危險 增加之產生時應履行其通知義務。再者危險事故發生之通知、損害防阻義務、保 險人行使請求權代位時被保險人依契約之協助義務等皆為除要保人保險費之給 付義務外,構成保險契約中相當重要之義務群。 惟此義務群於法律上之義務種類,於德國保險契約法第六條則以Obliegenheit 稱 之,於日本學說上則譯為責務。我國民法學者則以民法第217 條與有過失為例, 稱此義務為不真正義務而有別於給付義務以及附隨義務。但如進一步深究之,我 國保險法學者有以認為違反保險法上通知告知等義務時所生之法律效果視其違 反之義務種類與程度,保險人得據以行使契約解除權抑或請求損害賠償時,如觀 之於民法上不真正義務之違反僅使當事人權利減損之法律效果顯有差異,故實為 保險法上所規範之特殊法律效果。 以保險契約締結契約<br> Abstract: This study is to analyze on the duties of good faith in the insurance contract and to define the differences of the “Obliengenheit”between the Civil Code and Insurance Law. It has been said that “the basic policy premise in favor of maintaining the doctrine of non-disclosure is that the insurance premiums are made with the risks undertaken, and that the selection and control of risks is therefore essential to the successful operation of the insurance enterprises.”The duty of disclosure, which the proposer should fulfill at the time of making the contract of insurance, is said to be essential for the protection of insurers. As a result, the insured must disclose material information, which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium, or determining whether he will take the risk. In addition to the duty of disclosure at the time of making the contract, the insured is responsible for informing the insurer to reconsider the termination of the contract as the change in the risk. It is also an obligation to give notice of loss to the insurer. In the breach of these duties, the insurance contract may be avoidable or the insurer may have the remedy of damages. In the words of section 6 of the German Insurance Law (V.V.G.), these duties have been summarized as the German legal term-“Obliengenheit”. It has been translated and described in the similar meaning in the context of section 217 of the Taiwanese Civil Code. The effect of the breach of these duties in the Taiwan Insurance Law, however, is quite different from the duty described in the Civil Law, which only limit the legal right of the claimant. As a result, the difference arising from the nature of contract is an essential issue in this study. The characteristics of the duties of non-disclosure, the notice of loss and change in the risk will also be discussed thoroughly.不真正義務保險法誠信原則告知義務通知義務損害防阻義務uberrima fidesinsurance contractdie Obliengeheitenduty of non-disclosuremisrepresentation保險法告知通知義務與民法不真正義務