2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714737The Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences was founded in 2013, which is divided into Applied Mathematics Group and Mathematical Statistics Group. The mission of the institute is to serve as a bridge between pure mathematics and the other sciences. We also aim to provide solid mathematical knowledge for researchers in other disciplines of science such as engineering, biology, financial industry, etc. Another important role of the institute is to train students and develop their careers in academia or industry in the category of applied mathematics, statistical sciences or related topics. The establishment of this institute will also help integrating educational resources on applied mathematics and statistical sciences in the National Taiwan University. Besides, the National Center of Theoretical Sciences (sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology) located at the department supports many faculty members of the institute, the department, the Physics Department and Academia Sinica to hold many interdisciplinary research activities, seminars, and international conferences.本所成立之目的在於培育應用數學與統計科學高級人才,以供應國內學術界、研究機構、以及工商業界的人才需求,並發展在跨領域研究中所需之應用數學與數理統計相關之理論與應用,推動數學與其他科學的整合研究。凡具工程、理化、生物、財金、經濟...等應用背景學生,但對於數學理論有興趣者,或具數學、統計背景,但對其應用有興趣的學生,皆歡迎至本所就讀。Applied Mathematical SciencesAcademic Institute