2006-06-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/683808摘要:柳杉為台灣森林中常見的林木,如能開發柳杉二次代謝物的用途,將有助於森林資源的開發與利用;故本計畫的目的為萃取柳杉材部、樹皮和葉子的乙醇抽出物,評估各部位抽出物的抗細菌活性,篩選具抗細菌活性的乙醇抽出物,後續將具潛力的抽出物進一步分離出不同極性的可溶部,並測試各可溶部的抗細菌活性,由初步篩選的活性可溶部中分離純化與鑑定化合物。期望能開發柳杉抽出物的用途,以及增加柳杉造林木的經濟效益。<br> Abstract: Cryptomeria japonica is one of common coniferous trees in Taiwan forest. Extraction of natural compounds from secondary metabolites of sugi tree would be helpful to expand the utilization of forest products and increase the economic values. Therefore, the purpose of this plan is to evaluate the antibacterial activities of ethanolic extracts from sugi wood, bark and leaf. And active extract is further separated into several fractions. Active fractions undergo further testing to help isolate and identify antibacterial compounds. Through this research, it is expected to expand the utilization of ethanolic extracts from sugi tree and increase the economic values of sugi plantations.柳杉抽出物抗細菌活性Cryptomeria japonicaExtractAntibacterial activity柳杉抽出物之抗細菌活性評估