2021-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/703938摘要:近幾年由於永續與環境等議題,在生產力分析領域中發展於非意欲產出(undesirable output)的應用逐漸變廣。生產過程使用投入資源,同時創造意欲產出(例如:電力)與其副產品非意欲產出(例如:空氣汙染)。在這情境下如何衡量生產效率,便成為近年來分析的主流。本研究以數據包絡分析法(Data envelopment analysis,DEA)為方法論,是一無母數的方法用以估計生產函數,並進而衡量決策單位生產效率的一種生產力分析技術。本計畫主要針對三個主題,分別發展前瞻性研究。第一,對於非意欲產出以減排製程處理(abatement process),例如現在的除硫減碳技術,以網路數據包絡分析法的架構進行生產製程與減排製程兩階段的效率分析。第二,針對碳交易市場(cap-and-trade),排放權配置問題做最佳化的分析,探討中央集中式管理與分散式管理碳權配置的差異,以不同的電力市場結構與納許均衡(Nash equilibrium)架構來解析。第三,電力市場多階層的市場結構包含了上游發電廠、下游電網公司與終端使用者,在滿足電力市場的供給與需求下,三者間以納許均衡進行生產效率的分析,以達到資源運用的整體最佳化。<br> Abstract: Since the sustainability and environment raise several worldwide issues, the undesirable output in productivity analysis becomes a well-known topic. In a production system, we use input resource to generate desirable outputs and undesirable outputs simultaneously, and thus it brings more challenging to evaluate the technical efficiency. This study suggest the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate the production function and efficiency in three cutting-edge issues. First, the efficiency estimation of abatement process (eg. desulfurization) is developed and uses two-level network DEA to distinguish the abatement process from the production process. Second, for the cap-and-trade market, the allocation of emission permit (AEP) is an optimization problem which provides economic incentive for emission reduction; in particular, this study develops Nash equilibrium and investigates the AEP from centralized model to decentralized model corresponding to the market structure of the imperfect competition. Third, we evaluate the efficiency of different participants in a multi-level power market including the power plants, transmission operators, and end users, and solve the Nash equilibrium for global resource optimization and productivity improvement.數據包絡分析法減排製程效率排放權配置多階層電力市場納許均衡data envelopment analysisabatement process efficiencyallocation of emission permitsmulti-level power marketNash equilibrium108年度 【 非意欲產出生產力分析:減排製程效率、排放權配置及多階層電力市場均衡 】