工學院: 化學工程學研究所指導教授: 葛煥彰劉軒僑Liu, Hsuan-ChiaoHsuan-ChiaoLiu2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271850本論文使用單元小室模型複合粒子是由帶有固定表面電荷密度sigma,半徑為r0之球形固體核心以及其表面吸附一帶有固定空間電荷密度Q,厚度為a-r0之溶液可穿透多孔層所構成。藉由探討處理此懸浮系統中之靜電力和電動力方程式,可以獲得複合粒子電泳可動度和懸浮液導電度之解析解,並在任意的r0/a,lambda a,kappa a 和粒子於懸複液中之體積分率值的情況下,以sigma和Q的線性關係式表示,其中lambda為多孔層布林克曼滲透長度之倒數,kappa為電雙層德拜屏蔽長度之倒數,這些粒子表面吸附層的特性及粒子間的交互作用等參數對於粒子電泳可動度和懸浮液導電度有著顯著且複雜的影響。本研究除了獲得複合粒子懸浮液中之電泳可動度和導電度結果外,也可在r0=a和r0=0的極限下,分別簡化成為球形硬質粒子和多孔粒子之特例結果,這些結果對於分析相關實驗數據資料有所幫助。A thorough analytical study of the electrophoresis and electric conduction in a suspension of charged soft particles in an arbitrary electrolyte solution is presented through the use of a unit cell model. Each soft particle is a spherical hard core of radius r0 and constant surface charge density sigma covered with a permeable porous layer of constant thickness a-r0 and uniform fixed charge density Q . Solving the relevant electrostatic and electrokinetic differential equations, we obtain closed-form formulas for the electrophoretic mobility of the soft particles and effective electric conductivity of the suspension. These results are expressed as linear functions of sigma and Q for arbitrary values of r0/a, lambda a, kappa a, and the particle volume fraction of the suspension, where lambda is the reciprocal of the Brinkman permeation length of the surface layer of each particle, and kappa is the reciprocal of the Debye screening length. The effects of the surface layer characteristics and particle interactions on the electrophoretic mobility and effective conductivity are interesting, significant, and complicated. The general results for a suspension of charged soft spheres, which reduce to those of hard spheres and porous spheres in the limits r0=a and r0=0, respectively, provide valuable information for interpreting experimental data.2747076 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/7/26論文使用權限: 同意無償授權電泳有效導電度軟質粒子濃懸浮液單元小室模型ElectrophoresisEffective electric conductivitySoft sphereConcentrated suspensionUnit cell model球形帶電軟質粒子懸浮液中之電泳可動度及導電度Electrophoretic Mobility and Effective Electric Conductivity of Concentrated Suspensions of Charged Soft Spheresthesis10.6342/NTU201600845http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271850/1/ntu-105-R03524088-1.pdf