曹峰銘2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/9748本研究的目的在於探究嬰兒國語聲調知覺的發展,是否在六到十二個月之間呈現明顯的變化。此外,本研究也將檢視聲調對比之間聲學特性相似的程度,是否會影響嬰兒對不同聲調辨識的發展。在第一年的研究計畫當中,經由國外嬰兒研究單位的技術協助,我們已經設立了具有隔音功能的嬰兒語音知覺發展實驗室。在實驗室成立之後,我們已經進行第一個實驗,也就是比較七和十一個月大嬰兒分辨國語一聲和三聲的敏感度,以檢視年紀對聲調知覺發展的作用。實驗的假設是年紀對聲調知覺發展有作用,也就是預期年紀較大的嬰兒,將比年紀較輕的嬰兒更能準確地分辨聲調的差異。目前已有近週歲兒童的資料,而且結果顯示他們很容易區分國語一聲和三聲(平均正確率 = 80.49%);此外,男嬰和女嬰對此聲調配對的區辨敏感度非常相似。除了測試七個月嬰兒區辨國語一聲和三聲之外,未來一年將收集不同年紀嬰兒區辨其他聲調(例如,二聲和三聲)的資料,以示國語聲調知覺發展的歷程。The goal of this study was to explore the developmental change of perceiving Mandarin tones. In addition, this study addressed whether the acoustic similarity between lexical tones could have any effects on perceptual development. Through the international collaboration with a world-leading infant study laboratory at the University of Washington, we have established the infant speech perception laboratory during the first project year. We also collected the infant data for the Experiment 1 that was designed to test the age effect on tone perception. The perceptual change of 7- and 11-month-old Mandarin-learning infants discriminating lexical tones was examined by utilizing a Mandarin Tone 1 vs. Tone 3 contrast. The results of the older infant group demonstrated that this tone contrast was not difficult for this age group to discriminate (mean percent correct = 80.49%) and no significant gender difference on perceiving this tone contrast was obtained for the 10-12 month-old Mandarin-learning infants. In addition to testing younger infants on the same tone contrast, the on-going project will use various tone contrasts to examine the tone perception development in the following second project year.application/pdf157530 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所嬰兒聲調知覺發展(1/2)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/9748/1/932413H002028.pdf