臺灣大學: 光電工程學研究所林晃巖張文慧Chang, Wen-HuiWen-HuiChang2013-03-272018-07-052013-03-272018-07-052012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/253465顯示影像的方式從平面進展到立體,並在硬體不斷的研發進步之下,立體影像技術不斷的提升,其中以裸眼式3D立體顯示技術最廣為大眾所驚豔,其擁有不需配戴眼鏡之優勢,肯定為3D顯示器的發展主流,更是3D立體顯示器普及化的重要關鍵。   而對於裸眼式立體顯示器來說,觀看位置強烈地影響觀看品質,因此視域(viewing zone)對於裸眼式立體顯示器將是非常重要的課題,然而現今已有許多關於視域研究之文獻,但對於視域的了解仍需要進行更多研究,因此在本論文中將提出新的計算方式,明確地以公式表示視差障壁型立體顯示器之視域大小,並且更進一步討論其他對視域造成影響的因子,如視差障壁厚度、玻璃基板之折射率、交互干擾、以及其他影像品質因子,討論其對視域大小形狀以及位置所造成的影響,對視域進行詳細的研究。   另外本篇論文特別值得注意的是,由於過去一般使用印製出的底片製作視差障壁,視差障壁厚度相較顯示器結構為薄,而隨著立體顯示器不斷的創新與發展,不論是具備2D與3D切換功能之立體顯示器,或是隨著頭部移動而調變視差障壁的追蹤型立體顯示器,以及不斷切換左右眼視差障壁位置之時間多工型立體顯示器,其視差障壁結構的厚度可能造成未知的影響,但截至今日尚未有文獻對視差障壁厚度進行研究與討論,本研究為第一個在立體顯示器領域內考慮視差障壁厚度議題之文章,本研究不僅讓我們更深度的瞭解視差障壁厚度所帶來的影響,也提供設計者在設計立體顯示器時一個新的可調控參數。最後期望能夠藉由此論文,使從事3D領域之研究者更加地了解視域的大小形狀與分佈特性。  The way of image display has been advanced from 2D to 3D, and with the hardware advancement, the 3D stereoscopic technology becomes more and more advanced. One of the amazing 3D stereoscopic displays is auto-stereoscopic display and its advantage is that observers don’t need to wear extra glasses, thus the auto-stereoscopic display definitely will be the main stream of 3D stereoscopic display, and furthermore the auto-stereoscopic display will be the key technology to make 3D stereoscopic display popular.   For an auto-stereoscopic display, the viewing image quality for the observers depends on viewing position. Therefore, viewing zone is one of the most important topics for 3D stereoscopic displays. Though there are lots of studies on viewing zone, we still need lots of deep researches for further understanding. Thus this thesis proposed a novel evaluation method to describe viewing zone by analytic formula and discussing the affecting factors for viewing zone of the parallax barrier stereoscopic display, such as parallax barrier thickness, the refraction of glass panel, crosstalk and other factors.   One special point should be noticed in this thesis is that owning to using a film for the parallax barrier in the past, the parallax barrier thickness is thin in such display structure. But with the innovation and advance of 3D display, no matter the 2D/3D switchable function or the head-tracking function to modify parallax barrier or the time multiplex system which switching right and left eye image parallax barrier position constantly, the parallax barrier thickness may bring unknown problem. Up to present, there are no studies about parallax barrier thickness and the thesis is the first one. The study not only provides profound understanding on parallax barrier thickness but also provides the designers a new controllable parameter for designing parallax barrier displays. Finally we expect this thesis can provide 3D display researcher a deeper understanding on the dimension, shape, position and other characteristics of viewing zone.140 bytestext/htmlen-US裸眼式3D立體顯示器,視差障壁型立體顯示器,視域,視差障壁厚度,雙眼條件,玻璃折射率,交互干擾auto-stereoscopic 3D displays, parallax barrier stereoscopic display, viewing zone, parallax barrier thickness, binocular effect, glass refractive index, crosstalk裸眼式3D立體顯示器觀賞視域之研究A Study on Viewing Zone of Auto-stereoscopic 3D Displaysthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/253465/1/index.html