國立臺灣大學哲學系Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University佐藤將之2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-282010-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281649本文旨在釐清中國古代政治哲學中的「非語言」因素及其在統治學?之功能和意義。為進?此一工作,筆者具體?證中國古代思想家為何懷疑語言統治之功效,並探究他們試圖以何種方式取代語言的統治效能。在郭店楚簡和上博楚簡的文獻中,對只靠語言法?統治人民之嫌?廣泛可?。並且,?考察郭店《?子》中的「非語言統治」相關?述,我們並未發現「儒」「道」相對?的思想框架。據此本文指出:在郭店楚簡和上博楚簡思想形成的戰國早期,「非語言統治」之政治思想應該是?分學派的普遍觀點。本文也將分析此種「非語言統治」的概?和主張逐步被「誠」概?涵攝的?況。戰國中後期以後的文獻,開始使用「誠」概?以提出?完整的「非語言統治」?述。In the course of development of political thought during the Warring States Period and Qin-Han Empires, our general impression is that aristocratic court decorum was replaced by positive law. On the other hand, however, disbelief in verbal order by rulers has been expressed in various Warring States political discourses. Indeed, a group of thinkers believed that the establishment of a high level of morality would enable rulers to establish authority over the people without the help of any verbal decree. Interestingly, such ideas often appear in the newly excavated Guodian Bamboo texts. From this viewpoint, the paper will explicate several concepts and arguments that support the idea of such “non-verbal rule” mainly in the Guodian texts, and trace the process by which these ideas are crystallized into the idea of cheng (sincerity/co-creativity) in the mid-late Warring States and Qin-Han texts. In doing so, the author hopes that this research can delineate the process of theorization of main conceptual terms which were essential for the discussion of socio-political issues arising in Warring States political discourse.576840 bytesapplication/pdf中國政治思想;非語言;誠;郭店楚簡;上海博物館藏楚簡;Non-verbal Rule, Chinese Political Thought, Chu Bamboo texts, the Guodian texts, Shanghai Museum Bamboo texts戰國早期的「非語言」統治思想以及其與「誠」概念之結合The Idea of Non-verbal Rule in Early Warring States Thought and Its Incorporation into the Concept of Chengjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281649/1/0043_201003_2.pdf