2013-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/682449摘要:黑翅蕈蠅在農業上多危害蘭花及洋菇產業,其幼蟲鑽入植株根部危害,造成植株死亡或衰弱。本技術是於實驗室中量測黑翅蕈蠅的趨光光譜,利用昆蟲的趨光性來開發出有效又能節省成本之黑翅蕈蠅物理性誘殺設備。現有之黑翅蕈蠅防治技術多以化學性藥劑防治及物理性有色黏紙防治為主,使用藥劑防治除了影響人體與其他生物健康之外,也同時易使害蟲產生抗藥性;而使用有色黏紙除了黏紙無法回收重複使用導致增加成本,同時也有礙觀瞻。本技術為利用昆蟲趨光性所開發之物理性害蟲誘殺設備,不會對人體健康與其他生物造成影響,並且具有可重複使用降低害蟲防治成本之優點。<br> Abstract: The sciarid fly is a serious pest of mushrooms and orchids. The larvae will feed the root to damage plants. In this project we measured the action spectrum of the sciarid fly in the laboratory to obtain the optimum wavelength of phototactic behavior. We then applied the wavelength to develop an effective and low cost trapping facility to attract and kill the sciarid fly.Current methods for controlling sciarid fly mainly rely on chemicals and colored paper traps. Chemicals cause serious health problems of human and animals, and further induce the pest to develop the resistance to the chemicals. Color paper traps can not be recycled and reused, so the cost of purchasing the traps increase if the pest population increase.Besides, hanging colored paper traps in the farms or greenhouses has a negative visual impact. The technology and facility developed here is based on the phototactic response of insect to attract sciarid fly physically, so there will be not harmful to human and other creatures.The facility can be installed in the farm or greenhouse, and it is reusable day after day to reduce the pest population. Reducing thee cost of pest control is the major advantage for this facility.黑翅蕈蠅趨光性物理防治誘殺設備Sciarid flyphototaxisphysical controltrapping facility植物及其產品輸出入風險分析、檢疫技術與程序之研發、改進與應用-認證蘭花溫室內蕈蠅之物理性防除技術開發