社會科學院: 社會工作學研究所指導教授: 陳毓文邱沐恩Chiu, Mu-EnMu-EnChiu2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273585本研究動機起源於研究者自身實習經驗,好奇少年社會工作者所抱持的價值信念如何引導實踐。透過文獻探討實務界常見的「問題、問題解決取向」理論內涵,以及「風險觀點」如何影響臺灣少年福利政策及少年社會工作。因此欲進一步了解少年社會工作者如何看待「問題解決與風險觀點」,跳脫問題解決與風險取向之實踐觀點與策略,以及過程所遇挑戰為何。 本研究運用質性研究方法,採立意抽樣及深度訪談法,共收錄了八位在同組織部門服務少年達三年以上,且自認認同且實踐「跳脫問題解決與風險取向」的少年社會工作者經驗。 研究發現,首先問題解決與風險取向的養成來自於工作者自身價值、學校教育與社會期待;而對工作者產生的限制包含專業關係、工作者自我價值與少年感受三大面向。少年社會工作者對如何跳脫問題解決與風險取向則有不同的看法,包含聚焦問題背後的需求、釐清定義問題者及真正解決問題者等,以及積極看待少年的風險環境、陪伴少年討論或靜觀其變。再著,實踐跳脫問題解決與風險取向的六大觀點與策略為「以少年為主體」、「正向眼光」、「與少年所處環境對話」、「高容忍及接受失敗」、「善用關係成為社會資本」以及「引導再認識風險及自我保護」等。最後,實踐過程的挑戰中,和外在環境相關的有如機構限制、學校教育建構、其他單位的期待;以及對工作者影響更大的在於社工與案主角色的權力不對等、自身價值信念的拉扯、與過去生活差異之適應,及原生家庭的期待與影響。 研究討論議題先再次聚焦於「少年群體」於本主題的特殊性,探討工作者反思與改變的轉捩點為何、反思問題解決取向。最後則去看見社工對現況的失望與堅持下去的希望是什麼,並針對教育養成、組織定位與社群網絡三大面向提出相關建議。Inspired by my intern experiences, this study tried to examine how social workers’ value influenced their practice. Literature reviews were done to understand what the commonly used “problem-solving approach” is, and how the risk-oriented approach influenced youth welfare policies and youth work in Taiwan. Therefore, the purposes of this research were to understand how youth social workers viewed “problem-solving and risk-oriented approach” and what other viewpoints and methods they have used in helping youth. In addition, this study also tries to examine what kind of challenges faced by these social workers in the process of helping. This study used a qualitative design, through the purposeful sampling method and in-depth interviews. Eight youth social workers who have at least three years experiences in the same organization, and regarded themselves as holding the “beyond problem-solving and risk-oriented approach” values were interviewed. This study had three important findings. First, the problem-solving and risk-oriented approach which most social workers used came from their own values, school education, and social expectation. The approach brought limitations in three aspects, including the difficulties in building professional relationships, workers’ self-values, and youths’ feelings. Second, they brought up six viewpoints and methods that went beyond the problem-solving and risk-oriented approach, including “focusing on youths’ subjectivity,” “taking positive visions,” “working with youths’ system,” “accepting failure with patience,” “making good use of relationships as their social capital,” and “leading to know risk more and being able to be self-protective.” Finally, the challenges tended to come from the external environment, such as the restriction of their agencies, lack of adequate school education, expectations from other professionals. And some came from the internal environment, such as the unequal power and value conflicts of workers and youth, different life styles, and the expectations of families. This study concluded with three issues for further discussion and also brought up suggestions from the aspects of education, social service organizations, and community networks.1813435 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權少年社會工作者問題解決取向風險取向youth social workersproblem-solving approachrisk-oriented approach問題解決與風險取向少年社會工作的反思及挑戰The reflection and challenge of youth social work beyond problem-solving and risk-oriented approachthesis10.6342/NTU201601288http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273585/1/ntu-105-R01330008-1.pdf