文學院: 外國語文學研究所指導教授: 劉毓秀陳玉雲Chen, Yu-YunYu-YunChen2017-03-022018-05-292017-03-022018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272217本文以時代脈絡、精神分裂分析及精神分析,重探艾倫坡及其作品與其社會文化的關係。失去養父之經濟支柱後,艾倫坡立志在文藝領域闖出一片天。在友人推薦之下,有幸獲得《南方文学信使》編輯一職。隨後,看不慣當時的批評風氣,興起改革文學批評氛圍之雄心,大肆撻伐同代文人作品,甚至同當時的波士頓超越主義者筆戰十年之久。在筆戰的過程,坡區分「道統純正」與「江湖郎中」超越主義之別,將波士頓超越主義者貶為江湖郎中,並以捍衛道統純正的超越主義之名,藉機提出個人理想──以不受道德束縛之美感受為詩╱文學的指導原則。為此,他抨擊說教、追求真理為依歸的詩╱文學。為此,坡本人及其作品未能受到當時社會的認可與賞識。即使如此,本文主張,坡為捍衛美感受不受道德傳統約束,企圖在當時建立起一反道德或無道德之詩╱文學理想國。誠如法國文學家波特萊爾的分析,坡及作品未被賞識之因是,當時未有專論變態╱病態之哲學論述。如今,精神分裂分析正是肯定及擁抱變態╱病態之哲學論述,用以解析坡之理想恰恰適當不過。因此,本文接著將以精神分裂分析之理念,勾勒出坡式美學意欲建立之理想國,本文稱之「美感烏托邦」,並點出坡及坡式美學與資本主義之曖昧、矛盾關係。雖然「美感烏托邦」看似無限風光,但坡個人實踐結果顯示卻是相反,導向自我毀滅。此困境在精神分裂分析無解,但卻能在精神分析找到出路。因此,本文最後將以精神分析理論以及精神分析對資本主義的批判,分析及檢視坡、坡式美學及精神分裂分析之困境,並以精神分析提供神經症主體之「認同個人症狀」解套作結。This dissertation reexamines the relation of Poe and his works to his society and argues that Poe, like the Bostonian transcendentalists, set up a visionary world for his society despite its failure to be appreciated. To reform the critical body of his day, Poe intended to elevate Beauty as an effect as the dominant value of poetry or art in place of the traditional values of Truth and Good. To implement his ideal, Poe lashed hard at his contemporaries, the Bostonian or New England transcendentalists in particular, found faults with their works, and made a distinction between cant and authentic transcendentalism. Denouncing those Bostonian transcendentalists or Frogpondians for cant transcendentalism, Poe claimed himself a defender of authentic transcendentalism. In the name of authentic transcendentalism, Poe censured didacticism-oriented values and explicated his ideal, or Poesque aesthetics. Thus, I argue that Poe hoped to reorient the literary world of his day to an immoral or amoral world dominated by Beauty as effect. Featured with its immorality or amorality, Poe and Poesque aesthetics were greatly acknowledged and appreciated by his contemporaries. Despite so, it cannot be denied that Poe and Poesque aesthetics attempt to set up a visionary world. Then this dissertation will employ schizoanalysis to elaborate Poe’s ideal and the relations of Poe and his works to capitalism and to every one of us living in a capitalist society. Although the affective utopia that Poe and Poesque aesthetics lead one to can be delineated through schizoanalysis, the difficulties it creates cannot be solved with schizoanalysis. Thus, this dissertation will finally resort to psychoanalysis to analyze the difficulties and offer its solution to readers.1501739 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)艾倫坡精神分析精神分裂分析享受/樂死亡驅力情感Edgar Allan Poepsychoanalysisschizoanalysisenjoyment/pleasure/jouissancethe death driveaffects享受鐘擺:以精神分裂分析及精神分析閱讀艾倫坡的作品The Pendulum of Enjoyment: Reading Edgar Allan Poe's Works in Terms of Schizoanalysis and Psychoanalysisthesis10.6342/NTU201603307http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272217/1/ntu-105-D97122004-1.pdf