國立臺灣大學人類學系助理教授Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University羅, 素 玫素 玫羅Lo, S.M.S.M.Lo2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292010-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281856本文試著從發生在東海岸阿美族都蘭部落的數次環境抗爭事件出發,探討部落內對於「傳統領域回復運動」及「部落地圖」的繪製工作,所產生的在地迴響與問題的反饋。經由對在地的傳統領域回復運動過程的檢視,我們看到都蘭阿美族所形塑的新的地景,如何與原有的社會文化價值體系之間產生互動,而部落內部成員對自身文化認同的凝聚,又是如何透過集體抗爭運動的動員,被具體化呈現在行動之中。經歷過因開發而產生的生態破壞與不同社區成員群體之間面對環境經營的不同期待,當地阿美族社會面臨了傳統生態知識與環境主義之間的對話困境,以及如何整合社區內不同組成群體之問題。本研究企圖探討,「傳統領域」的思潮與「部落地圖」的繪製工作進入部落社會之後所帶來的影響,以及潛伏在東部海岸開發的聲浪中,原住民所身處之後山社會的邊緣特性,可能成為其被再次邊緣化的危機。This paper aims to discuss the local response and influence generated by the“Traditional Territory Movement” and “Indigenous Community Mapping” in the Amis society of ‘Tolan on the eastern coast of Taiwan. Through this survey of a series of environmental movements, we see how the new landscape constructed by the local Amis people interacted with their original socio-cultural value system. Moreover, members of the society consolidated their cultural identity during the course of these various mass protests. After experiencing ecological destruction prompted by development projects and conflicts over different environmental management maneuvers within the village community, the Amis society is confronting the dilemmas of traditional ecological knowledge versus environmentalism as well as having to build a consensus on future development. In the end, this paper points to the potential crisis of the re-marginalization of Taitung Houshan and its indigenous people when the call for eastern coast development was at its height.4761749 bytesapplication/pdf傳統領域、部落地圖、阿美族、都蘭、開發 (Traditional Territory, Indigenous Community Mapping, Amis, ‘Tolan, Development)[SDGs]SDG14文化認同、生態衝突與族群關係:由阿美族都蘭部落的傳統領域論述談起Cultural Identity, Ecological Conflict and Ethnic Relations: Discourse on the Traditional Territory by the ‘Amis of ‘Tolanjournal article10.6152/jaa.2010.06.0001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281856/1/0072_201006_1.PDF