家庭醫學科釋宗惇釋慧岳釋德嘉陳慶餘SHIH, TSUNG-CHUNTSUNG-CHUNSHIHBHIKKHUNI, HWEI-YUEHWEI-YUEBHIKKHUNIBHIKKHUNI, DER-CHIADER-CHIABHIKKHUNICHEN, CHING-YUCHING-YUCHEN2012-07-122018-07-132012-07-122018-07-132010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/241653Clinical disclosure is a transcendent model conducted by Buddhist Monastic to point out and solve the life and death problems when patients are suffering from sadness, fear and other spiritual distress. So far this transcendent model has not ever reported in medical literature before. In this study we reported eight cases as examples to demonstrate how Master Huimin to interact with terminal cancer patients during bedside teaching at Palliative care ward of National Taiwan University Hospital. The dialogue between Master Huimin and patients was recorded and itemized to present patient?s problems, reactions before and after disclosure, interview skills, mechanisms of problem-solving and behavior modifications . The clinical disclosure was practiced according to the principles of Buddha Dharma i.e. belief, will, practice and wisdom to enlighten patients , liberate themselves during terminal period as usual time as possible. Relief of death fear is the critical therapeutic effect for spiritual care by Buddhist chaplain. From practice of Buddha Dharma, patients can sense, aware and enlighten real life truth. In other words, knowledge comprehension stands for a basic appreciation of the principles of dependent origination and three characteristics of all conditioned existence-impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and not self, so as to enhance the nature of inner power.en-US安寧緩和醫療臨床開示佛法臨床佛教宗教師hospice palliative careclinical disclosureBuddha Dharmaclinical Buddhist chaplain[SDGs]SDG3Clinical Disclosure Model in Hospice Palliative Care-Examples of Case Teaching by Master Huimin緩和醫療臨床開示模式之探討-以惠敏法師教學個案為例10.6537/TJHPC.2010.15(1).2