生物資源暨農學院: 生物環境系統工程學研究所指導教授: 廖秀娟劉俊毅Liu, Jun-YiJun-YiLiu2017-03-022018-06-292017-03-022018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272473苦茶油乃源自於油茶樹的種籽經榨取而得,為亞洲國家傳統常用之食用油品,即使具有傳統的療效,然而對於苦茶油的研究仍缺乏充足的科學證據予以佐證。因此本研究利用模式生物秀麗隱桿線蟲(Caenorhabditis elegans)探討小果種苦茶油對生物體的延緩老化作用,並進一步研究其參與的調控機制。研究結果顯示,C. elegans經小果種苦茶油餵食後,能顯著提升體內抗氧化力且延長在氧化壓力下的壽命;同時在一般培養條件下,亦能顯著延長C. elegans平均壽命達12.3 % (p < 0.001)。此外,小果種苦茶油也能延緩C. elegans老化相關行為如pharyngeal pumping rate及defecation cycle的退化,並且顯著降低C. elegans體內老化指標脂褐素的累積量,若是利用小果種苦茶油中等量的油酸進行實驗,則發現其結果類似。研究結果進一步顯示,小果種苦茶油對C. elegans的延緩老化功效可能透過提升轉錄因子DAF-16/FOXO在氧化壓力下進入細胞核的反應,同時提高1.3倍daf-16 基因表現量(p = 0.079)及其下游抗氧化蛋白例如SOD-3基因表達增加;此外,亦可能透過提升轉錄因子SKN-1/Nrf進入細胞核的反應,同時提高1.31倍skn-1及1.45倍其下游抗氧化基因gcs-1 基因表現量(p = 0.002; p < 0.001),以提升C. elegans體內抗氧化力。總結來說,本研究顯示小果種苦茶油對生物體具有提升生物體內抗氧化力、延緩老化相關行為,以及延長平均壽命之保健功效,而此保健功效可藉由其脂肪酸組成中含量最高的成分油酸達成。本研究結果提供小果種苦茶油保健功效的科學數據,因此小果種苦茶油對人類健康具有進一步研究及推廣的優勢,並進一步促進台灣農業發展。Tea seed oil from the seeds of Camellia trees is commonly used as edible oil in Asia. Despite its traditional medical effects, there is insufficient scientific data to support the beneficial effects of tea seed oil to human beings. In this study, the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans was applied to investigate the in vivo delayed aging effects by Camellia tenuifolia seed oil and its underlying mechanisms. The results showed that C. tenuifolia seed oil significantly enhanced the antioxidant activity and extended the longevity in C. elegans under juglone-induced oxidative stress. In addition, C. tenuifolia seed oil significantly increased the lifespan of C. elegans by 12.3 % under normal condition (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the degeneration of age-related behaviors, such as pharyngeal pumping rate and defecation cycle, were significantly attenuated and the accumulation of lipofuscin was significantly decreased during aging process in C. elegans treated with C. tenuifolia seed oil. When C. elegans was pretreated with oleic acid using the concentration corresponding to the content in C. tenuifolia seed oil, the results were similar to aforementioned results in C. tenuifolia seed oil. We further showed that C. tenuifolia seed oil enhanced the translocation of the transcription factor DAF-16/FOXO and increased 1.3-fold mRNA level of daf-16 (p = 0.079), thereby triggering the downstream gene SOD-3 expression. Moreover, the other transcription factor SKN-1/Nrf was shown to translocate to nuclear upon C. tenuifolia seed oil pretreatment, further increasing 1.31-fold mRNA level of skn-1 and 1.45-fold mRNA level of downstream gene gcs-1 to enhance the antioxidant activity (p = 0.002; p < 0.001). In conclusion, our study demonstrated that C. tenuifolia seed oil increased the in vivo antioxidant activity, increased longevity, delayed aging effects, and extended lifespan in C. elegans and oleic acid plays a critical role in the beneficial effects of C. tenuifolia seed oil. Results from this study provide scientific evidence for the health effects of C. tenuifolia seed oil. Therefore, it is suggested that C. tenuifolia seed oil worth further investigation for human health and promoting the agriculture in Taiwan.1563640 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2026/8/5論文使用權限: 同意無償授權秀麗隱桿線蟲小果種苦茶油生物體內抗氧化老化油酸DAF-16SKN-1Caenorhabditis elegansC. tenuifolia seed oilin vivo antioxidant activityagingoleic acid[SDGs]SDG3以秀麗隱桿線蟲為模式生物探討小果種苦茶油在生物體內的延緩老化功效Effects of delayed aging by seed oil from Camellia tenuifolia in Caenorhabditis elegansthesis10.6342/NTU201602026http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272473/1/ntu-105-R03622003-1.pdf