工學院: 工業工程學研究所指導教授: 黃奎隆毛曉鷁Mao, Shiao-YiShiao-YiMao2017-03-022018-06-292017-03-022018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271523「勞務派遣」是一項操作複雜、富挑戰性且不容易成功的用工方式,考驗「用工單位」、「勞務派遣單位」及「被派遣勞動者」三者之間的利害關係及平衡,在全球化分工以及大陸一胎化之後,重要程度日益重要。尤其中國大陸在2025年有心成為世界第一製造大國,高漲的人力成本,落後的管理能力,低下的工作倫理,整體國民素質趕不上國家的立法美意,導致經濟體制受到基層敗壞的影響,造成大量企業重新思考全球化的佈局。 研究勞動法的成立背景與歷史沿革有助明白立法精神與所要解決的問題,研究勞動關係的演進有助分析法規執行所造成的影響,實地了解政策的執行狀況有助於了解問題的真因,據以提供對策,本研究名為企業的因應對策,實為建議政策制定者重新思考的可能性。Implementation of the Dispatch Interim Provision in China have great impacts on the foreign copmanies, especially those which need lots of labor. ""Dispatch"" is a complex, challenging and not likely to succeed operation, it is touch between ""labor user units"", ""labor dispatch units "" and ""dispatched workers'' interest and the balance, after the global division of labor and the mainland one-child policy, it becomes more and more important. In particular, the Chinese mainland in 2025, determined to become the world''s manufacturing factory, rising labor costs, poor management, poor work ethic, the overall quality of the national legislation can not keep up the good intentions of the State, resulting in the economic system by the impact of grassroots corruption, resulting in a large number of enterprises rethink the layout of globalization. To learn about the status of implementation of the labor law will help to understand how the problem result in, and try to provide a solution or a suggestion to consider where to invest in the future.論文使用權限: 不同意授權全球化勞動法勞動合同法勞務派遣暫行規定勞動力勞務派遣代理招聘生產外包GloblizationLabor LawLabor Contract LawDispatch Interim ProvisionLaborDispatchRecruitment AgentOutsourcing中國《勞務派遣暫行規定》執行對外資企業的影響與因應-以電子製造業為例Impact and Responses on Foreign Companies for the Implementation of the Dispatch Interim Provision in China,Taking Electronic Manufacturing Industry for Examplethesis10.6342/NTU201601531