2001-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/690514摘要:本研究是收集過去20年間台灣北部地區除淡水河外其他的主要及次要河川之環保署水質監測資料,利用Seasonal Kendall Test來檢查水質變化趨勢,其中分析之水質參數包括:溶氧量、生化需氧量、懸浮固體、氨氮及濁度。並以頭前溪及老街溪流域為研究區分析1990年及1999年的SPOT衛星影像之土地利用覆蓋面積,以了解河川各種水質變化與土地利用之間的關連。分析結果發現以裸露地與溶氧有統計上顯著負相關及濁度有統計上顯著正相關。另外農地也與濁度有統計上顯著正相關,值得注意地,農地與其他水質參數皆有接近統計上顯著相關。各河川水質變化較明顯一致的趨勢是以在老街溪各測站的氨氮值皆有上升的現象,而頭前溪各測站的氨氮值皆有下降的情形,另外老街溪與頭前溪之濁度皆呈上升情形。南崁溪各測站之水質變化趨勢較無明顯的型態,除大檜大橋及舊路大橋的部分水質參數有明顯下降外,其他測站多為上升的情形。<br> Abstract: Water quality data, including dissolved oxygen, BOD, suspended particle, ammonia nitrogen and turbidity, were collected from Taiwan EPA river water quality monitoring program during past 20 years. Land use data in both the Tou-Chin Shi watershed and the Lau-Jag Shi watershed were also identified and classified from SPOT images from two different years (1990 and 1999) and their relationship with water qualities were analyzed. The results showed barren and agriculture land use were two major land use categories which affected water quality. The seasonal trends of river water quality parameters were observed in the Lau-Jag Shi and the Tou-Chin Shi. The trend of turbidity in both rivers were increased. On the other hand, the trend of ammonia nitrogen level was decreased in the Tou-Chin Shi but increased in the Nan-Kan Shi. In addition, there were also some changes in the trends of water qualities of the Nan-Kan Shi.土地利用河川水質趨勢分析Land useriver water qualitytrend analysis台灣山坡地與海岸環境敏感區土地利用變遷及其對環境衝擊之研究-子計畫二:土地利用