生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 陳郁蕙吳玉仁Wu, Yu-JenYu-JenWu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276109因職務關係接觸不動產調查工作,在工作期間認為政府在新北市新莊區投入重大公共工程建設,並以土地整體開發方式重新規劃土地,讓街廓更完整、居住品質改善,不動產價值得以提升,深感新莊區即將蓬勃發展。但在不動產調查時,發覺整體開發區域大部分是農業區,而農地已在不知不覺中減少,農民也相對減少,更嚴重的是農會是因農民而存在,若沒有農民,農會組織可能必須面臨重整或合併對農會經營影響可想而知,由上述可知,沒有農地就沒有農民;沒有農民就可能沒有農會。 在研究進行之初,雖對農地減少將使農民減少,進而影響農會未來之經營有所認知,後來發現農民可能遇到更大難題:因沒有農地,就喪失農民資格,不得享有農民健康保險權益,不能成為農會正會員。問題是農民也多半也不知影響如此深遠,因政府開說明會時農民關心的是可以分回的土地位置及有多少等議題。農民往往到要申請農保給付,才發覺自己資格不符,更誤認農會刁難,對農會產生誤解,但實情是農會僅是依法辦理。由於土地整體開發所造成農地減少之影響,新莊區不是特例,只要有土地整體開發案之行政區都有此困擾,土地整體開發對農地減少之影響比我們想像更深遠,也值得探究。 因此本研究主要目的在於探討都市農民因土地整體開發後失去農地,農民想要保有農會正會員與農民健康保險資格之方法,及購買農地之意向對環境影響評估,又農地減少、農民減少情況下是否影響都市型農會之經營,希望透過統計軟體交叉分析及深度訪談後,根據結果對政府提出相關可行建議。I am working in the Farmers’ Association for the real estate investigative job, and found the local government invested in major public construction projects in Hsinchuang District, New Taipei City. Also they developed the land for integrated and completed; we saw the streets got more orderly and people living quality improved. The real estate’s value will be increased and the city is getting development lively in Hsinchuang District. The real estate’s survey, found that developing land was farm original, the farm area has been reduced unconsciously, and farmer’s population was reduced too. That Farmers'' Association operates for farmers, but they are going to impact association’s business if they are not farmer any more. Also the Farmers'' Association will be reorganization or merger if they are no farmers in the group. From the above we know ,"" No farm, No farmer, No Farmer’s Association."" In the beginning of case study, I thought the farm and farmer were reduced and the Farmers’ Association operated difficult because the land integrated development. Now,the farmer had a big issue which they lost their farmers’ indentify cause without farm.They cannot join farmer’s health insurance and no membership of the Farmers’Association. Mostly the farmers have no idea how much affect their life. Although the local governments hold much council for land integrated developing, but the farmers concern where rebuild the land, and how much was relocated the land? When the farmer is unable to apply for a major Medicaid insurance, they just found this issue seriously. Other, the farmer was misunderstanding this issue because the Farmers’ Association could not accept their documents. Actually, the Farmers’ Association always follows the government’s policy and law.The land integrated development had impacted farm and farmer; it’s not special case of Hsinchuang District. In the long run, I believe there is issue for land integrated development from other towns or cities; we need to care about the farm area less problem. The purpose of this study is investigating the farmers what lose their land after land integrated development for urban planning, and find the way to keep their qualification of farmer’s health insurance and membership of the Farmers Association. If the farmer has intention to buy the land where locate in conservation area. How impact business for Farmer’s Association in city when the farm and farmer reduced? Hope cross analysis using statistical software and in-depth interviews after the results put forward feasible suggestions for relevant government .1694189 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)土地整體開發農地農民農民健康保險農會land integrated developingfarmfarmer土地整體開發對都市地區農民及農會之影響-以新莊區為例The Impacts of Land Integrated Development on Farmers and Farmers' Association in Metropolitan Area–The Case Study of Hsinchuang Citythesis10.6342/NTU201601095http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276109/1/ntu-105-P03627012-1.pdf