社會科學院: 社會學研究所指導教授: 李明璁姚國偉Yao, Kuo-WeiKuo-WeiYao2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273639「人情味」是用以形容與描述台灣傳統市場最常見的詞彙,也被認為是在各種現代化消費場域興起下,傳統市場中仍舊保有的珍貴價值。然而,當「人情味」被大量且不假思索的使用時,究竟「人情味」所代表的真實意涵為何?以及「人情味」到底是如何產生的?似乎不在人們的思考中。本文透過台北市士林區士東市場來探討「人情味」之於傳統市場而言所具有的意涵,並利用市場劇碼的角度觀察這座市場。士東市場是台灣傳統市場中的特殊案例,雖說歷史不及其他知名傳統市場,但因為多次被政府選為傳統市場改善計畫的模範市場而獲致許多資源,也使得這座市場表現在空間硬體上不同於多數的傳統市場,而更貼近超級市場或是量販店的樣貌。 深入這座傳統市場中,本文發現,即便環境上產生了如此巨大的現代化改變,市場內的日常生活依然保有傳統市場那最純粹且細緻的人際交流。透過信任關係的建構,在士東市場內拉起三條重要的連線,分別是攤商與顧客、攤商與攤商、攤商與自治會,各自就其在這座市場的位置展現不同的信任建構,展現人際信任與制度信任兩種信任模式。更進一步的,除了信任關係做為士東市場建立起人際交流與評價關係的依據外,人情味在這之中扮演著填補與潤滑的作用,使得市場關係能夠更加圓融。人情味不僅只是一種形容,更是不斷的透過傳統市場內,包含攤商、顧客、自治會之間的互動再生產,形成一股瀰漫飄蕩在這之中的特殊氛圍,讓「人」與「情」能夠成為主導傳統市場的重要元素。“Ren Qing Wei” is a word that use to describe traditional wet markets in Taiwan, and it also regard as a special trait in traditional wet markets, even thought supermarkets and department stores springs up. However, when “Ren Qing Wei” was used without thinking, what was the truly definition of “Ren Qing Wei”? And how “Ren Qing Wei” appeared? It seems not in people’s thought. This thesis tries to discuss the real meaning of “Ren Qing Wei” by shih-don Market , a specific case of traditional wet market in Taipei, and used a viewpoint called “market drama” to observe shih-don Market. Although shih-don Market doesn’t have a long history as other traditional wet market in Taiwan, it was chosen to be the model of traditional wet market and gain lots of assistances from the government. By this resources, shih-don Market had the chance to reform its environment and appears like supermarkets and hyper-market. In to shih-don Market, this thesis found out that despite the environment had a massive change, this traditional wet market still remain its delicate human contacts. Thought the construction of trust, it line up three important relationships. There are venders and customers, venders and venders, venders and shih-don Market’s council. They built up different trust, and showed their interpersonal trust and system trust. Moreover, beside trust as a standard to evaluate people’s friendships. “Ren Qing Wei” on the other hand as a lubricant to smooth all the relationships. “Ren Qing Wei” is not just a word, it can also form a specific atmosphere inside shih-don Market, let human and their relationships be the main principle of this traditional wet market.35144449 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)人情味市場劇碼信任人際信任制度信任互動Ren Qing Weimarket dramatrustinterpersonal trustsystem trustinteraction士東市場「人情味」的社會學初探The Sociological Exploration of “ Ren Qing Wei” in Shi-Dong Market, Taipeithesis10.6342/NTU201603514http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273639/1/ntu-105-R02325010-1.pdf