工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 郭斯傑石明哲Shih, Ming-CheMing-CheShih2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277991國立臺灣大學自創校以來,至今多數建築物屋齡已逾30餘年,尤其是使用十三溝建物,因老舊及缺乏維護而導致近年來建築物外牆磁磚掉落事件頻傳。然而回顧國內維護管理相關法令後,並無一套完全針對外牆公共安全事件管制的法令,為因應層出不窮的危安事件,校內亟需一套完整的建築物外牆診斷機制與方法防範相關危安事件擴大發生。國內雖有進行磁磚劣化探討文獻,惟多屬單純之試驗探討,尚未出現技術資料之彙編及匯集整理成一完善之分析模擬方式及成效評估準則,以致對於建築物立面檢測的成效無法量化,造成實務上對於部分立面附置物或磁磚仍未有一定參考標準或依據。為有效推動建築物立面更新健診與評估系統之研究,應有相關配合之實證結果方式與評估準則給予實務界參考。本研究期能透過國內外資料匯整及相關實證檢驗研究,提供舊建築物立面更新診斷時參考依據與評估方法。 本研究透過紅外線熱顯像非破壞實驗方法,研擬建築物外牆磁磚公共安全診斷模式,提出建議更新整建內容。本研究透過國立臺灣大學老舊建築物使用十三溝面磚案例實地進行紅外線熱顯像檢測調查,並建立「建築物外牆磁磚紅外線診斷評估方法」,以評估建築物外牆磁磚之劣化程度、劣化範圍以及對既成環境公共安全影響為主要內容,進一步提出劣化磁磚與正常磁磚之溫差值,並訂定劣化檢查時間之標準。 最後紅外線熱影像法之結果顯示,能清楚且具體呈現大範圍及小範圍之黏貼不完整處的範圍及位置,使檢測人員易於判讀,並提供判斷之準則及論證,希望未來能推廣使用紅外線熱影像術檢測老舊建築物之磁磚劣化情形,作為整修補強之依據,應可促進建築物外牆之完整保持,並達到建築物公共安全的要求。Since the establishment of the National Taiwan University, most buildings on campus have been more than 30 years old. In particular, for those buildings with thirteen-ditches tile, the wall tiles have been frequently falling off due to its aging and lack of maintenance. Examining the relevant regulations and policies, there is no legislation to manage and protect the public safety against the wall tile falling. Therefore, the NTU needs a systematic evaluation and diagnosis procedure to prevent it from falling. Through the infrared imaging non-destructive tests, this research aims to develop a diagnosis procedure for public safety and recommendation for building renovation. Furthermore, this procedure was applied to the aged campus buildings with thirteen-ditches tile as a case study. A handbook entitled “Evaluation and diagnosis of building wall tiles through infrared imaging” was established. It was used to assess the deterioration of the wall tiles, the deteriorated area and the public safety impact. The temperature difference between the deteriorated and normal tiles was identified and used to establish the schedule for deterioration check. The test results showed that the infrared imaging technique can clearly identify the location and area where the tiles were not properly glued. This technique can assist the staff to evaluate the tile deterioration and provide an evidence for necessary repair. Finally, it can maintain the integrity of the building wall and meet the requirements of public safety for the buildings.12546868 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/7/26論文使用權限: 同意無償授權外牆磁磚劣化標準診斷方法公共安全紅外線熱影像external wall tilesdeterioration standarddiagnosis methodologypublic safetyinfrared thermal image應用熱影像辨識技術於十三溝面磚劣化診斷基準之研究Diagnosis of The Thirteen-ditches Tile Deterioration Using Thermal Image Recognition Technologythesis10.6342/NTU201600478http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277991/1/ntu-105-P02521710-1.pdf