2024-05-182024-05-1822569https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/716773楊孝友老師研究室簡介:http://hsiaoyuyang.wordpress.com 楊孝友教授研究專長為環境職業醫學、流行病學,於花蓮進行石材勞工流行病學研究,發現台灣玉勞工塵肺症、癌症危害,但面臨環境職業性肺病診斷不易問題,開發吐氣代謝體分析方法,創新開發以呼吸氣體診斷塵肺症、肺癌方法。並持續追求卓越,藉由跨領域、跨國合作,深化呼吸體學研究,藉由肋膜腔缺氧微環境,以肺癌肋膜積液尋找肺癌之揮發性生物偵測指標。藉由跨領域合作,建立體外肺泡細胞暴露模型,以尋找粉塵、可吸入微粒暴露誘發人體呼吸道傷害之生物偵測指標。此新興與跨領域合作成果,已應用於國小氣喘史學童之早期呼吸道阻塞偵測,以提早進行介入、與氣喘衛教。楊教授最新研究興趣包含全球暖化對孕婦、老人、兒童等易感受族群的健康危害。藉由氣候與健康大數據分析,預估氣候變遷對台灣脆弱族群健康影響;並藉由田野流行病學調查,了解熱壓力造成腎臟疾病的機轉與早期偵測指標。Professor Yang’s research interests are in environmental occupational medicine and epidemiology. Dr. Yang has already published ample studies on the application of metabolomics and machine learning techniques embracing the accurate diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, lung cancer, breast cancer, ventilator-associated pneumonia, pediatric asthma, and acute respiratory effects from environmental pollutants. Professor Yang is board certified in occupational and environmental medicine, family medicine, palliative medicine, and geriatric medicine. These broad backgrounds are remarkably articulated in his epidemiological research investigating the chronic health effects and carcinogenesis of Chinese medicine containing aristolochic acid, Chinese medicine containing talc, and on nephrite processing workers. Dr. Yang's latest research interests include the heat hazard of global warming to vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women, the elderly, and children. Professor Yang has demonstrated a sufficient and growing record of creative and productive research in multiple topics at the international level, of significant dedication in well-organized collaborations with diverse specialists, of effective support for young scientists, and of outstanding scholarly activities for a long period.氣候變遷健康危害 Climate sensitive disease呼吸代謝體學 Breathomics環境職業流行病學 Occupational Environmental Epidemiology石綿 AsbestosHSIAO-YU YANG