2017-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/670185摘要:一、研究主題與背景 本研究計畫以「佛教性別哲學的認同、差異、轉變與應用」為主題,以性別研究領域的論題為切入點,再援用佛教經典所建構的觀點、理論,與性別論題對話。本研究選出的四個論題:認同、差異、轉變與應用,是當前性別研究相當重視的焦點,以下依序說明這四個論題的背景。 「認同(identity)」是性別分類中的部分群體,試圖在社會中避免被歧視,爭取地位、價值的目標之一,在備受歧視、傷害、痛苦的環境之中,如能獲得多數群體的認同,歧視、傷害、痛苦的情形與程度,即可望獲得大幅度的減少與減輕。在這樣的背景下,如何爭取相關的權益,提高自身的價值,導正原本錯謬的知見,不僅是對於各種性別傾向得以平等看待的途徑,亦是重視正知正見的佛教,應提出觀點的領域。 「差異(difference)」與認同可做為相對的概念,兩者之間的關係亦有其複雜的張力。如果將差異與認同視為相對的概念,則在尋求認同的過程中,是否應保有自身與他者之間的差異,是許多女性主義、性別主義者,在尋求認同到一定的階段時,即不斷捫心自問。若不將差異與認同視為相對的概念,或者可看做是階段、次的的進展時,在尋求認同時,當可意識到尋求認同的過程,是為爭取差異的前置作業,從認同的完成,可望進一步凸顯自身與他者之間的差異。 「轉變(change)」所指涉的,不僅是求同或求異的過程中,不斷面臨的轉換、改變,甚至整個世界的運轉,都是不斷轉變的呈現。如果承認這樣的脈絡,則在不斷轉變的世界中,認同與差異皆只是轉變過程中的一個短暫表現。如此一來,要長久應變這個世界,究竟是求同、求異,抑或是追求轉變之本身以應對這樣的世界,是後設思考的要點。佛教的經典中,男女身轉換、龍女成佛之類的記載,是否即是為了應變這瞬息萬變的世界,即是經典內含的詮釋可能。 「應用(application)」一方面涉及性別觀點與佛教觀點在現實社會與生活的價值,另一方面則是建構或對話出來的觀點,是否或如何做為生活的準則,亦即應用倫理學(applied ethics)所探問的問題。在佛教的戒律中,不乏指引生活的倫理原則與規範,除此之外,佛教經典的概念、論斷,是否亦能做為實踐上的引導,是將「因緣法」、「空性」、「法界」等形上概念,導入倫理思維一種嘗試。 二、研究目的 本研究的目的,以如下的三點表示: 第一,開啟佛教哲學討論性別論題的向度,不僅在於佛教本身的性別爭議,而是能夠與當前的論題進行對話。 第二,採取佛教重大概念或論斷,思考性別論題的合理性,開拓佛教經藏資源中用以討論性別論題的材料,不僅限於戒律的範圍。 第三,透過佛教重大概念與論斷所形成的見解,期能提供當前性別爭議的出路,以及行為的指引,達到倫理學的研究成果。 三、研究的重要性 本研究的重要性,以如下的三點呈現: 第一,本研究的四個論題,是性別研究上常見的概念,透過與佛教哲學論述之間的交涉,將是較為罕見與創新的作法。 第二,以佛教經典探討哲學問題,盡可能排除信仰的成分,將得以充分呈現佛教理性且富於思辨的一面,拓展出佛教哲學在性別研究領域的重要價值。 第三,跳脫以佛教立場為出發點的既定思維,設身處地從性別論述的角度思考,再以佛教觀點提供適切的見解,是打破教內教外之分的一個重大嘗試。<br> Abstract: I. Study Topics and Backgrounds This study project is based on the topic of "Gender Philosophy in Buddhism - Identity, Difference, Change, and Application". By taking the topic of gender research as a starting point, we take a step further to introduce the views, theories, and gender issues established in the Buddhist scriptures. In this study project, a total of four topics has been selected: identity, difference, change, and application, which are the main focus of the current gender research at hand. The background of these four topics will be listed in a sequential order as provided below: An “identity” is a minority group under the great gender classification who tries to avoid discrimination in the society by fighting for its social value and social status. Under a big environment where the group members suffer from discrimination, harm, and agony, if they are able to receive identification from several other groups, the situation and degree of discrimination, harm, and agony experienced by this minority group may be reduced or lightened by a large scale. Under this background, the minority group must learn to fight for its relevant equity, raise its personal value, and eliminate the misconception and misunderstanding that were deeply-rooted in the society for a long period of time. It is not only a way of showing equal respect to the individuals with different sexual orientations, but also an ideal that must be put forth by the Buddhist religion due to its right knowledge and right viewpoint. "Difference" can be interpreted as a relative concept to "identification", where a complex tension exists between the relations of the two terms. If we take the terms "difference" and "identification" as two contrasting concepts, should the minority group maintain the difference between itself and others in the pursuit of identification? This is a question to which many feminists and other gender groups kept asking themselves when the process of seeking for identification reaches to a certain stage. If we do not take "difference" and "identification" as two contrasting concepts, the minority group is more likely to take the process of seeking for identification as a preparatory work for fighting for the difference. After the minority group has received identification from the society, it will then try to highlight the difference between themselves and others. The term "change" here refers not only to the transformation or conversion in the process of seeking for similarity and difference, but also a constantly changing phenomenon which resulted from the rotation of the entire world. If we accept such a context, both "identification" and "difference" are only a temporary phenomenon that exists in the constantly changing world. In this way, whether we should seek for similarity, difference, or transformation in response to the ever-changing world will become a key point for our post-thinking. In the Buddhist scripture, there are some recording about male and female body conversion and female dragon transforming into Buddha. We can, therefore, interpret these recordings as a way that the Buddhist religion to respond to this ever-changing world. On the one hand, “application” involves the core value of gender viewpoints and Buddhist viewpoints in the real society and everyday lives. On the other hand, we take one further step to discuss whether the viewpoints generate from construction or conversation can be applied as a living standard, a subject matter widely discussed in the realm of applied ethics. In the Buddhist precepts, there is no lack of ethical principles and ethical norms that try to guide our lives in the right direction. In addition, whether the concept and assertion recorded in the Buddhist scriptures can be taken as a guidance in the real practice is an attempt to introduce ethical ideals into the realm of metaphysics such as "laws of cause and effect", "emptiness", and "Dharma Realm". II. Purpose The purpose of this study project is given by the following three points: First, by activating the dimensions of Buddhist Philosophy to discuss gender issues, we not only find the gender controversy that preexists in the Buddhism religion, but also direct a conversation with the current gender issue at hand. Secondly, we adopt major Buddhist concepts and assertions to talk about the rationality of gender issue. We also seek for the partial resources of Buddhist scriptures that were used in talking about gender issue, which is not limited to the scope of Buddhist precepts. Thirdly, through the viewpoints formulated from the major Buddhist concepts and assertions, we hope to find the way out for the current gender issue at hand and provide a behavioral guidance that helps achieve an ethical study result. III. Significance The significance of this study project is given by the following three points: First, the four topics introduced in this study project are the common concepts in gender research. Through the exchange with Buddhist philosophical discourse, it is a relatively rare and innovative approach. Secondly, by investigating into the philosophical questions through Buddhist scriptures, we need to exclude the elements of faith as much as possible so that the rational and thoughtful aspects of the Buddhism can be fully presented while the significant value of Buddhist philosophy can find it way in the realm of gender research. Thirdly, by breaking away from the fixed ideology that takes Buddhism as a starting point, we put ourselves in the perspective of gender discussion before providing some appropriate opinions from the Buddhist perspectives, which is a major attempt to breakthrough the boundary between the externality and internality of the Buddhist religion.性別佛教性別哲學身份認同性別倫理佛教世界觀Sex and Genderbuddhist philosophy of genderidentitygender ethicsbuddhist worldview佛教性別哲學的認同、差異、轉變與應用