2014-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706152摘要:以奈米柱製作發光二極體可提升內部量子效率與光汲取效率,近年來頗受學界重視。典型的奈米柱發光二極體陣列為二維週期性分佈之奈米柱結構,各柱之頂面及側面上有量子井。人們通常以隨機分佈之振盪偶極產生之電磁輻射模擬量子井發光現象,故探討振盪偶極在週期性奈米結構中之輻射特性不僅是一理論課題,亦有奈米光電上的實用性。本計畫即擬發展一基於陣列掃描法的數值模擬法則,用以計算並分析振盪偶極在週期性奈米結構中之電磁輻射特性。主要的研究課題包括:陣列掃描法的原理探討及其推廣、陣列掃描法的準確度檢測、振盪偶極在週期性奈米柱結構中之電磁場計算等。本計畫的模擬結果將有助於瞭解奈米柱發光二極體陣列之發光特性,亦可提供設計方面的參考。<br> Abstract: It is of great interest that a nanorod-based light emitting-diode (LED) has a potential of enhanced internal quantum efficiency and light extraction efficiency. A typical nanorod LED array is composed of two-dimensionally periodically distributed nanorods with quantum wells fabricated on the top and side surfaces of each nanorod. The light emission of a quantum well is usually simulated by the electromagnetic radiation of randomly distributed oscillating dipoles. Therefore, the investigation on the radiation characteristics of oscillating dipoles in periodic nano-structures is an important theoretical topic which may lead to promising applications in nanophotonics. In this proposal, we plan to develop a numerical algorithm based on the array scanning method, and to calculate and analyze the radiation characteristics of oscillating dipoles in periodic nano-structures. Our main research topics include: investigation and extension of the array scanning method, accuracy testing for the array scanning method, and calculation of the electromagnetic field produced by oscillating dipoles in periodic nanorod-structures. The simulated results from this project will be helpful in understanding the emission characteristics of a nanorod LED array, and also useful for designing this type of device.振盪偶極週期性奈米結構輻射數值模擬oscillating dipoleperiodic nano-structuresradiationnumerical simulation振盪偶極在週期性奈米結構中輻射特性之數值模擬