2010-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/710531摘要:在全球暖化氣候變遷狀態下,颱風強度的變化是一重要但仍懸而未解的問題。觀測顯示雙眼牆結構多伴隨強颱風而產生,而颱風強度在雙眼牆生成後多半明顯減弱,因此颱風雙眼牆結構,可以視為颱風增強過程的自我限制機制。由於目前所有的氣候模式中,皆無法產生合理颱風雙眼牆結構,因此這些颱風氣候預測仍有很大改善空間;瞭解雙眼牆演變的物理機制,對於颱風強度變化的預測,以及氣候變遷颱風強度變化探討有無比的重要性。我們最近發表關於雙渦旋交互動力解釋雙眼牆生成過程的論文,是一重要突破,使我們對颱風雙眼牆基礎動力有深刻瞭解,我們將在本計畫中進一步探討雙眼牆結構形成過程水氣熱力學的過程,以及熱力和動力的交互作用。 我們將以不同複雜程度的數學模式探討雙眼牆物理過程,為了把水氣物理忠實表達出來,首先我們將使用高解析度完整物理的數值模式(例如可以解析雲的WRF 模式),模擬颱風雙眼牆過程,模擬過程熱力(水氣、雲)與動力過程都包含進去,雙眼牆結構模擬本身即是研究的一大挑戰,我們也將模擬的雙眼牆過程和我們先前的動力理論進行討論比較。其次我們將以準平衡次環流橢圓型態偏微分方程式銓釋WRF模式結果;這個次環流偏微分方程式的係數,因渦旋動力的發展,在物理空間有很大的變異,因此我們需要和數學專家合作,建立高效率的解法,我們也要用此方程式診斷準平衡溫度熱力場變化,銓釋WRF數值模式的模擬。除此之外,我們也將依據WRF數值模式的模擬資料,簡化次環流偏微分方程式的係數,建立簡單模式,並用Green 函數或Laplace轉換尋求解析解,以進一步瞭解颱風雙眼牆物理過程。 <br> Abstract: One of the challenging and yet unsolve problem in the climate science is the tropical cyclone intensity change in global warming event. Observations suggest that the concentric eyewall structure often forms in the stronger tropical cyclones and tropical cyclones often weaken after a concentric eyewall forms. Thus, it appears that the concentric eyewall formation is the natural brake for the tropical cyclone intensification. Up to now, the climate models are not capable producing the concentric eyewall structure in their model tropical cyclones. Thus, it is difficulty to judge these climate prediction on the tropical cyclone intensity change because the missing of the essential concentric eyewall formation mechanism. To make a better tropical cyclone intensity forecast and to understand the typhoon intensity change in the global warming climate, we need to better understand the concentric eyewall dynamics. Our recent dynamic theory of binary vortex interaction on the concentric eyewall formation is a major thrust base on vortex dynamics. We propose a follow-up work of our recent theory, to include the moist thermodynamics in the concentric eyewall formation physics.颱風雙眼牆物理過程探討Concentric eyewallfull physics cloud-resolving modeltransverse circulation數學在現代科學的應用-子計畫六:颱風雙眼牆物理過程探討(3/4)