理學院: 地理環境資源學研究所指導教授: 賴進貴吳蕙君Wu, Hui-ChunHui-ChunWu2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272944提到「人類透過光線賦予了地方什麼意義」可由影響視覺的因子與人造光的設計原理談起,若欲進一步剖析夜間地景對於人們活動的影響,則可端看每個自成一格的主體如何被人造光打亮,以及有無相呼應於該場域的一致性,呈現主體的原意或內涵。本研究對於環境中的光源應用,結合人文地理對於區域文化與在地認同的概念,以風神廟的燈光改造案例,探討燈光專案前後,夜間景觀的變化,分析透過對於設計團隊理念與執行網絡的了解,探查實證場域的歷史脈絡與現代意象。有鑑於相關光的色溫與視覺引導已有相當的研究證明,能夠對人的情緒和識覺產生影響,可惜多數研究皆於模擬空間進行測試,鮮少實際走入生活環境,探查光源配置與氣氛與使用者的關係,因此,本研究中以收集參與風神廟導覽的訪客的意見,透過前測的意見調查問卷和後測的態度調查問卷,嘗試探究風神廟的訪客來源與影響層面,並與燈光設計者的理念作對話。研究結果為整理與建立適合在地性與獨特性的光環境營造模式,以供相關案例在往後的夜間景觀發展中,能夠考量人與環境的關係,並貫穿傳統與現代、文化與科技、生活與美學的人文思維,營造出以使用者、所在地和組成因子為基準的適當的光環境。When discussing what would be the meanings granted to a place via lighting, we may start by examining the elements which affect human vision and by the design of artificial lights in the given area. When overlooking an area from a grandiose view, one can see the mutual illuminations of varied light sources on the buildings, or even the graphical composition of skylines and the linking of the light spots on the streets. If we proceed to analyze the relations between the lightened nocturnal landscapes and the activities of people in the given area, we may observe how each substantive entity is illuminated by the artificial lights and whether this act of lighting harmonizes the semantic consistency of the area and whether it represents the original intention of the entity. This research aims to examine the effects of lighting on human behavior and perception . Combining the application of light sources in the given environment and the concept of humanistic geography on regional culture and local area identity, we study the case of lighting reconstruction of Feng-Shen Temple by discussing the changes to the nocturnal landscape after Project Lighting. We analyze the goal of the designing team and the executive network’s understanding towards the goal. We also investigate the historical context and the modern imagey of the empirical field. There have been considerable amounts of researches on the effect of color temperature and the eye tracking of light on people’s mood and perception. However, most researches are conducted in simulated environments. Researches on the relation between the configuration of light sources, atmosphere, and the users in real environment are scarce. Therefore, we discuss the effect on users from the atmosphere built by the light. In this research, we surveyed in pretest visitors’ opinion of Feng-Shen Temple with the Thrustone questionnaire and with the Likert scale questionnaire of attitude survey for posttest. We try to investigate the origins of and the scopes of impact on the visitors, and to form a dialogue with the lighting designers. This research provides a model of quality lighting environment which suits both the locality and the individuality of the area. We hope that in the future, this research may contributes to the building of appropriate lighting environment which considers the relation between people and environment; and the balances between tradition and modernization, culture and technology, daily life and aesthetics, based on users, site, and interior elements.6117847 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/26論文使用權限: 同意無償授權文化地景人本主義地理學燈光設計認同感歷史建築cultural landscapehumanistic geographylighting designsense of identityhistoric buildings光環境與夜間地景的塑成──以風神廟的燈光改造為例Lighting Environment and Nightscape–Illustrated by the Case of Feng-Shen Templethesis10.6342/NTU201603410http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272944/1/ntu-105-R01228008-1.pdf