生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 吳珮瑛陳懿Chen, YiYiChen2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275815居住於河流附近能夠享有河流提供的景觀與遊憩效益,但洪災時也承受較高的淹水損失,過去研究僅單獨討論自然資源的正面效益或是探討淹水的損失,缺乏同時考慮自然資源的正面效益與負面損失之研究。隨著都市化後人們對於自然景觀資源視為重要的居住條件,而淹水不僅造成財產損失,嚴重時甚至出現人員傷亡,因此河流的景觀效益與淹水損失皆為重要評估對象。此外,當距離河岸一定距離後,由於離河岸帶過遙遠,居民則無法享有景觀效益以及遊憩功能,但是根據淹水潛勢圖所示,不論距離河流多遠皆會發生淹水現象,其中只有程度的差別,距離河岸會面臨較高的淹水高度,而越遠則越小,目前淹水潛勢圖以淹水分布與高度呈現,對民眾而言,無法從淹水潛勢圖得知確切的損害,若能將淹水潛勢圖以房價損失呈現,民眾將更明瞭對自身的損害。由於房屋價格資料同時含有空間性與房價異質性,若使用傳統特徵價格法則會造成估計偏誤。 有鑑於此,本文使用空間分量迴歸評估台北市與新北市不同房型在各行政區下的淹水損失,將淹水潛勢圖以房價損失呈現;以及台北市及新北市在淡水河兩岸1公里範圍內的景觀效益與淹水損失,進而得知淡水河對居民為正面效益抑或是負面損失。從實證結果可知,整體而言淡水河帶給雙北市居民景觀效益帶過淹水損失;而高房價分量房屋相較於低分量房價房屋有較高的淹水損失。淹水損失集中在特定行政區,內湖區、信義區、萬華區、八里區、淡水區、樹林區以及泰山區。若以傳統特徵價格法或空間迴歸估計,將會造成高估或是不同分量下變數的效果互相抵銷。People living beside river enjoy landscape and recreation, but also face higher risk of flooding. The previous research discussed the benefit of river and loss of flooding separately. People in urban lack of nature landscape and open space, so people take river landscape into account for searching house. Besides, flooding causes not only loss of property but also injuries. Therefore, when valuing the river, we have to consider both positive and negative side of river. By potential inundation area map and the house price data, we can transfer the height of flooding into loss of money. So people can realize the influences of river and flooding. Because the data contains spatial heterogeneity and price heterogeneity, using traditional hedonic price method would cause bias. This research use Spatial Hedonic Price Quantile Regression and Taipei city and New Taipei city house price data to calculate the loss of flooding and benefit of living beside Tamsui river in Taiwan. In conclusion, the benefit of living beside river is larger than the loss of flooding. The loss of flooding center on Xinyi District, Neihu District, Wanhua District, Bali District, Shulin District, Danshui District, and Taishan District.5111121 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/9/8論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)特徵價格法空間迴歸分量迴歸淡水河景觀效益淹水損失Hedonic Price MethodSpatial RegressionQuantile RegressionTamsui Riverlandscape ValueFlooding Loss都市河流景觀效益與淹水潛勢之損失評估--空間分量特徵價格法結合地理資訊系統之應用Estimating Urban Evaluation of Urban River Landscape Value and Loss of Inundation Areas: Application of Spatial Hedonic Price Quantile Regression with Geographic Information Systemthesis10.6342/NTU201602670http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275815/1/ntu-105-R03627005-1.pdf