工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 許聿廷陳靖昇Chen, Ching-ShengChing-ShengChen2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277930公共自行車租賃系統近年來日益盛行於世界各地,全球已有超過1000個城市建立其公共自行車系統,供民眾作為短途旅行或轉乘其他大眾交通工具之運具。然而公共自行車系統經常面臨系統營運無效率的情形,主要由於各站上借還車數量的不平衡,造成某些站在需求量較大的時間點,會發生使用者至站上借/還車卻發生無車可借/無位可還車的使用者需求不滿足情形。因此,公共自行車系統營運者會在需求高峰期間或站點缺車時,派出調度車輛進行各站間自行車數量之調度,以滿足該時段之借/還車需求,進而提升公共自行車系統之營運效率。 本研究提出一動態自行車之調度模式,在各站營運期間,假設已知各站車輛數和預期使用者需求分佈之情形下,進行即時之自行車數量調度。最佳化模式在最小總成本的目標內,包含站上自行車調度總時間成本、調度車輛總旅行成本及調度後之使用者需求之不滿足情形所產生之懲罰成本,以決定各站之自行車調度數目、調度後站上總車輛數以及調度車輛所行經之路徑(站點順序),提供公共自行車系統營運者即時之調度策略,以滿足各車站上之實際需求及最小化營運者調度總成本。More and more cities have deployed their own bike sharing systems in recent years, which enable seamless door-to-door public transportation and foster the trend of sustainable urban development. One of the critical issues for system operation is the imbalance between demand and supply due to the spatiotemporal dynamics of travel patterns, underlain by the urban activity system over the service areas. This results in the situation that users find no available on-site bikes/docks when they want to rent/return bikes at some popular stations during certain time periods, and in the long run it can lower user satisfaction toward a system. Hence, the bike redistribution problem is developed for bike sharing systems, aiming at avoiding/reducing the unmet demand of users to rent or return bikes. In practice, bike redistribution is conducted throughout daily operation hours and particularly needed for the busiest ones, generally using trucks to transport bikes from the stations with surplus bikes to the stations lacking them. This research proposes a model for dynamic bike redistribution which accounts for the demand of both renting and returning bikes across stations. It seeks to enable system operators to promptly respond to the current on-site demand-supply conditions or even to prevent potential imbalance. Given estimated user dissatisfaction on station, the proposed model determines the numbers of bikes to be picked up from and reloaded to each station. Additionally, the model also leverages the routing of the trucks used for redistribution to attain the minimum operational cost.2957366 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)公共自行車系統供需不均使用者需求不滿足動態自行車調度模式Public bike-sharing systemDemand-supply imbalanceUser dissatisfactionDynamic bike redistribution problem[SDGs]SDG11考量公共自行車站上需求之動態自行車調度策略Dynamic bike redistribution strategies considering on-site demand patterns for bike sharing systemsthesis10.6342/NTU201602843http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277930/1/ntu-105-R03521523-1.pdf