2014-11-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/658881摘要:超音波影像技術隨著超音波對比劑的發展而改善了成像的空間解析度及影像動態範圍。超音波對比劑為一種可被生物分解的微氣泡,具有增強聲場散射信號之作用。在臨床應用上除了傳統心血管疾病之診斷,近來更被應用於肝腫瘤鑑別診斷上。傳統超音波影像具有即時、非侵入式、無放射性之特性,在臨床上為第一線肝腫瘤診斷工具,而結合使用超音波對比劑,更可有效增強影像血流資訊、提供醫師即時的臨床資訊。然而,台灣目前仍未有法規核准的超音波對比劑可供使用,其原因除了廠商的商業考量外,與國內臨床醫學仍相當缺乏相關經驗有絕對關係。博信生物科技公司係由清華大學研發團隊所成立,所推出之超音波對比劑具有良好之超音波聲學特性。預期藉由本研究超音波對比劑輔助之新式肝腫瘤鑑別診斷與治療模式之建立,進行兩階段(一)超音波對比劑血流增強與鑑別診斷功能驗證、(二) 超音波對比劑應用小動物肝腫瘤射頻消融技術(RFA)功能驗證,並建立相關標準程序,提供肝腫瘤鑑別診斷與治療的新式方法。<br> Abstract: The development of ultrasound contrast agents facilitates the imaging spatial resolution and dynamic range of ultrasound imaging techniques. Ultrasound contrast agents serves as a bio-degradable microbubbles, can enhance the scattering signals in ultrasound. Conventionally, ultrasound contrast agents are used in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. More recently, the applications of ultrasound contrast agents are used in liver cancer for early detection. Conventional ultrasound image provide a real-time, non-invasive, and non-radiation first-line diagnostic tool in liver cancer. Combining ultrasound contrast agents, it is also possible to provide real-time, enhanced blood flow information for doctors in clinical. However, the lack of relative operation experiences and the consideration of business issues; still there is no approved ultrasound contrast agents in Taiwan. Trust Bio-sononics, Inc. was originated from National Tsing-Hua University and proposed contrast agents with good acoustic features recently. There will be a two-stage plan of this research “Development of Novel Liver Cancer Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Methods Assisted by Ultrasound Contrast Agents”. The first stage is the validation of ultrasound contrast agents in enhancing blood flow. The second stage is to apply ultrasound contrast agents combining with radiofrequency ablation (RFA). To build up the standard protocols, this research will provide a new method of early detection and treatment in liver cancer.超音波對比劑肝腫瘤射頻消融UltrasoundContrast AgentsLiver CancerRadio-Frequency AblationDevelopment of Novel Lipid-Coated Microbubbles for Theranosis of Liver Cancers---A Pre-Clinical Study about Efficacy Evaluation