2019-04-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/712494摘要:本計畫擬以台大團隊領先的全方位鈣鈦礦電池技術,包括材料與適合量產的製程、機械設備、大面積製造技術,進一步研發鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層量產技術,結合產(聯合再生能源、億尚精密 )、學(台大材料系、台大機械系、長庚化材系、明志科大材料系)、研(核能所)多方專長。本計畫包含子計畫一: 應用於鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層太陽電池量產之材料開發,由台大材料系林唯芳教授主持,前創科技公司提供高品質鈣鈦礦原材料;子計畫二: 鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層太陽電池之大面積量產設備與製造技術開發,由台大機械系黃秉鈞教授主持,億尚精密工業公司合作研發;子計畫三: 鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層太陽電池模組設計及封裝技術開發,由台大材料系蔡豐羽教授主持,聯合再生能源公司合作研發。本計畫的技術指標為: (1)矽晶/鈣鈦礦疊層能源轉換效率第一年達到25%,第二年30%,;(2)完成大面積鈣鈦礦太陽電池單元(40cm x20cm)封裝製作與多單元組裝;(3)完成大面積疊層太陽電池設計與製造(100cm x160cm)。(4)鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層太陽電池在溫度85oC/85%相對溼度加速試驗下達1000小時以上壽命。本計畫屬全方位研發,從材料到製造技術,旨在為台灣建立鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層太陽能電池之產業化核心技術。<br> Abstract: We are proposing a two-year program entitled “Development of large-scale production technology for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells” based on our currently leading technology in this field. Over the past decade, the development of perovskite solar cells has been progressing very rapidly. The high efficiency perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells have been expected to significantly influence the solar energy science, technology and industry. Therefore, an integrated R&D from the upstream (materials, processing) to the downstream (equipment, mass production) of the industrial chain of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells is extremely critical for the commercialization of this new technology. We aim to achieve the following goals by the end of the project: (1) > 25% and > 30% power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells by the end of 1st and 2nd year respectively based on scalable processing and materials, (2) multi-unit perovskite solar cells / modules with large area 40cm x 20cm (3) perovskite / silicon tandem solar module with area > 100 cm x 160 cm, (4) high reliability perovskite/tandem solar cell/module by passing 1000 hours damp heat test under 85oC/85% relative humidity. The program consists of three subprograms. The subprogram-1 will be led by Prof. Wei-Fang Su and devoted to develop perovskite and related materials and processing methods for perovskite/silicon tandem applications, which are compatible with large scale module production. The subprogram-1 will also be supported by the emerging solar technology research group of INER. FrontMaterials Co. Ltd. will supportively supply large amount and high quality perovskite raw materials. The subprogram-2 will be led by Prof. Bin-Juine Huang and focusing on the design and development of the equipment for large scale manufacture of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells/modules. E-Sun Precision Industrial Co. Ltd. is committed to the program by providing financial support, and also assisting their equipment to the program. The subprogram-3 will be led by Prof. Feng-Yu Tsai and focusing on the modulation and encapsulation of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells/modules. URE cooperation is committed to fund the program and also provide their equipment. The achievements of this program will be very valuable for the solar cell industry in Taiwan and comply with the energy policy of our country by mass production of low cost renewable clean energy.矽晶鈣鈦礦疊層太陽電池大面積large-scaleperovskitesilicontandemsolar cells鈣鈦礦/矽晶疊層太陽電池量產技術研發(1/2)