WAN-CHEN LUYI-CHIEH CHENMING-HAN WU陳怡雯鄭志富2023-08-152023-08-152022-06-011024-7297https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/634538緒論:本研究以工作要求─資源模式為架構,目的在探討學校運動教練工作倦怠對於工作不安全感與工作退縮之中介效果,以及組織認同對於工作不安全感及工作倦怠之調節效果。最後以調節式中介模式分析上述變項之關係。方法:以臺灣地區公立學校之學校專任運動教練為對象進行研究,採結構式問卷調查的方式進行資料搜集,共回收316份有效問卷,並以皮爾遜績差相關、階層迴歸進行假設驗證。結果:工作不安全感會透過工作倦怠的中介角色進而影響運動教練工作退縮行為。組織認同可調節運動教練工作不安全感與工作倦怠的關係。當運動教練對學校有較高的組織認同時,會減緩工作不安全感與工作倦怠的連帶關係。相反的,當運動教練對組織的認同度低時,兩者關係則會增強。此外,組織認同亦可調節上述工作不安全感、工作倦怠與工作退縮之中介關係。當運動教練對組織的認同度較高時,此工作倦怠的中介關係則會被削弱。結論:本研究支持工作不安全感、工作倦怠、組織認同與工作退縮此調節式中介模式成立。同時也驗證工作要求─資源模式可有效應用於學校工作場域中的運動教練。在實務建議上,學校端可透過打造校園共同願景的方式,強化運動教練對於學校之組織認同感,期能緩解因工作不安全感所產生的工作倦怠與負向工作行為。 Introduction: Using the job demands-resources model, this study was conducted to explore the mediating effect of job burnout on the relationship between job insecurity and work withdrawal behavior among school sports coaches. In addition, the moderating effect of organizational identification was examined in the relationship between job insecurity and job burnout. Finally, we adopted moderated mediation to analyze the relationships among these variables. Methods: We recruited sports coaches employed by public schools in Taiwan to respond to structured questionnaires. A sample of 316 participants provided valid responses. Pearson's correlation and hierarchical regression analyses were used to validate the hypotheses. Results: The results indicated that job insecurity positively affect work withdrawal via the mediator of job burnout. Organizational identification moderated the relationship between job insecurity and job burnout among sports coaches. When sports coaches perceived high levels of organizational identification with their schools, the relationship between job insecurity and job burnout got weaker. By contrast, when they perceived a low level of organizational identification toward the school, the relationship between job insecurity and job burnout got stronger. In addition, organizational identification also moderated the relationships between job insecurity, job burnout, and work withdrawal behavior. When sports coaches showed high levels of organizational identification with their schools, the above mediating effect of job burnout was also weakened. Conclusion: This study improved the moderated mediation model of job insecurity, job burnout, organizational identification, and work withdrawal behavior. It also provided empirical evidence that the job demands-resources model can be applied to sports coaches in educational contexts. In terms of management practices, by building a shared vision of the educational campus with sports coaches, schools may strengthen organizational identification, which may alleviate work burnout caused by job insecurity and further ease negative work outcomes.zh離職意圖調節式中介JD-R模式intention to quitmoderated mediationJD-R model學校運動教練工作不安全感、組織認同、工作倦怠與工作退縮行為:工作要求-資源模式之觀點=Job insecurity, organizational identification, job burnout, and withdrawal behavior among school sports coaches: A job demands-resources model perspectivejournal article10.6222/pej.202206_55(2).0006