理學院: 心理學研究所指導教授: 雷庚玲; 吳英璋蔡幸祖Tsai, Hsing-TsuHsing-TsuTsai2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272088學習上的拖延閒混行為不僅在大學生中普遍出現,亦對其學業表現有負面影響,嚴重時還可能造成被退學需重考的狀況。而即使重考過而再次入學的大學生,似乎也有為數不少者具有較一般生嚴重的拖延狀況。過去研究已發現憂鬱及學業效能都可能是拖延閒混行為預測因子。本研究則欲探討在排除了上述兩個變項後,重考經驗是否仍可預測拖延行為,以及面對學業壓力的因應策略及其與憂鬱或學業效能以及重考經驗交互作用的效果,對於大學生在學業上拖延閒混行為的解釋力。共有具有大學入學重考經驗的60位在學學生,與116位無重考經驗之大學生參與本研究。本研究以調節式階層多元迴歸分析的方式先檢驗(1)憂鬱情緒與自我效能對拖延閒混的預測效果,再檢視控制情緒與效能後,重考經驗的預測效力,再檢視憂鬱情緒與自我效能預測拖延的效力在重考生與對照組間是否有所差異。本研究接著探討(2)在控制前述變項之後,各項因應策略是否對於預測拖延閒混行為具有主要預測效果、以及其對調節憂鬱及學業效能預測拖延閒混的效力,最後比較此調節效果在兩樣本間是否有差異存在。結果發現以整體樣本而言,學業效能與憂鬱情緒對拖延閒混都具有邊緣顯著或顯著的預測效力。重考經驗對拖延閒混有幾近顯著的預測力。其中,低自我效能的重考生拖延閒混的狀況較為頻繁。在對八種因應策略的主要及調節效果的分析中,投入式的因應多可負向預測、而逃離式的因應多可正向預測拖延閒混行為,僅社會支持因應有違背假設的發現。整體來說,因應策略的使用對重考生之拖延行為的預測力比一般生明顯,而到底是正向或負向的預測力則端視其所使用的因應策略而異。具有高學業效能的大學生使用逃離式因應與拖延的正向關聯性及使用投入式因應與拖延的負向關聯性都比低學業效能者更顯著。學業效能似乎同時具有覆舟與載舟之效。本研究顯示,多個因應策略可調節低學業效能與憂鬱情緒對拖延閒混行為的預測力。本結果可作為未來教育工作者及諮商輔導人員處理學生適應議題的參考。Academic procrastination not only is prevalent among college students, but also predicts poor academic performances and expulsion from college on academic grounds in extreme cases. The expelled students need to retake the college entrance exam once again to reenter college. However, compared with college students who have not retaken the college entrance exam, a higher portion of the re-examinees still suffer from procrastination after they have been readmitted to college. Past research found depressed mood and academic self-efficacy are possible predictors for procrastination. The first aim of this study was to test whether the status of re-examinee would be able to predict procrastination after controlling for depressed mood and academic efficacy and whether college students’ status would moderate the effect of mood and efficacy in predicting procrastination. The second aim was to test the predictability of various academic coping strategies for procrastination and to demonstrate how coping would moderate the effects of mood, efficacy, and status on procrastination. A total of 60 college entrance re-examinees and 116 college students without the experience participated in this study. Moderated hierarchical regression was applied to test (1) the predictability of depressed mood and academic self-efficacy to procrastination, after controlling for mood and efficacy whether the status of re-examinee would still be able to predict procrastination, and whether or not the patterns of predictability of mood and efficacy for procrastination among re-examinees would be different from those in the control group. (2) Next, after controlling for the above variables, this study tested the main effect of academic coping strategies on procrastination, followed by the moderating effect of coping on the relation among mood, efficacy, status, and academic procrastination. Results showed that depressed mood had a significantly positive and self-efficacy had a marginally negative effect in predicting procrastination. The status of re-examinee had a marginally significant predictability for procrastination, especially for those re-examinees with lower level of self-efficacy, who demonstrated higher frequency of procrastination. Regarding the analyses involving the eight different coping strategies measured in this study, most strategies that belong to engagement copings could negatively and those to disengagement copings could positively predict procrastination, with the only exception being social support coping. On the whole, the coping strategies applied by re-examinees were more likely to significantly forecast their level of procrastination compared to those applied by the college students in the control group. Differential patterns of prediction were revealed depending on particular coping strategies. The positive relations between disengagement copings and procrastination, and the negative relations between engagement copings and procrastination are easily detected especially for those with higher level of academic self-efficacy. That is, high academic self-efficacy seems to be a double-edged sword concerning the effect of coping on procrastination. The overall results of this study showed that both engagement and disengagement copings were able to moderate self-efficacy and depressed mood in predicting procrastination. Future research directions and the application of current findings in educational counseling were suggested.1559254 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/25論文使用權限: 同意無償授權重考生退學拖延閒混學業自我效能憂鬱因應策略college entrance re-examineecollege expulsionprocrastinationacademic self-efficacydepressed moodcoping strategy大學重考生拖延閒混行為的預測因子:憂鬱、學業自我效能、與因應策略Predictors of Academic Procrastination in College Entrance Reexaminees: Depressed Mood, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Coping Strategiesthesis10.6342/NTU201603366http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272088/1/ntu-105-R00227212-1.pdf