國立臺灣大學日本語文學系Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University林慧君2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292010-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282773 本篇論文主要是對照分析日語不具有獨立用法的粘著詞素之(即日語的「造語成分」)外來語「オ-ル」及在語意上相對應的漢語「全」,闡明此二者一般視為所謂類意詞的外來語及漢語粘著詞素之間的語意、構詞上的異同,以及前後文句法上的特徵等為主要目的。透過本篇論文的探討,在語意用法上,首先考察了「オ-ル」及「全」的所有語意用法,特別是論述了「全?(?)~」「全??」「~全体」三者之間的差異。此外,也闡明了「オ-ル」的主要用法是「全?(?)~」,而「全」的主要用法為「全??」,二者在語意層面上呈現角色相互互補的現象。另外,在構詞層面上也探討了「オ-ル」和「全」之間種種的異同及特徵。特別是從語意與構詞之間的關聯性,分析了「造語成分」「オ-ル」和「全」其具有連接詞基和接頭詞的中間詞素之性質。此外,也論述了具有「全??~」和「~全体」之兩義性的「全~」其構詞以及前後文脈的一些特徵。Some kinds of morpheme have no independent usage and used as compound words, which is so-called “bound morpheme.” In this paper, I would like to examine the loanword morpheme ”???” and the Kango morpheme ”全” which semantically corresponds to it by contrastive analysis of the meanings, differences, and the characters in context or sentence structure between the two words that seems like synonyms. Through study of this paper, first, on the semantic side, I should demonstrate that all the meanings which belong to ”???” and ”全”, and classify these meanings into three categories (「全?(?)~」,「全??」,「~全体」). Second, I would like to point out the main usage of ”???” is 「全?(?)~」and ”全” is 「全??」, also analyze the two words are not complementary distribution but division of roles. On the other hand, on the side of word formation, this study discovers the various characteristic and differences of ”???” and ”全”. Through analyzing the relationships between their meanings and word formation, I made out that ”???” and ”全” are bound morphemes assume an intermediate character from base to prefix. Other, I also refer to「全?~」which has double meanings by analyzing its word formation and the character in context.1057762 bytesapplication/pdf「造語成分」構詞語意用法外來語漢語bound morphemeword formationmeaningloan wordsKango造語成分としての外來語と漢語の対照分析-「オ-ル」と「全」を例に = 日語外來語與漢語之「造語成分」的對照分析―以「オール」和「全」為例―The contrastive analysis of Japanese Bound morpheme in Loan words and Kango: the case of “オ-ル” and “全”journal article10.6183/ntujp.2010.20.93http://doi.org/10.6183/ntujp.2010.20.93http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282773/1/0020_201012_5.pdf