管理學院: 財務金融組指導教授: 李存修張秀玉Chang, Shiou-YuShiou-YuChang2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274124第三方支付議題持續延燒數年,終於在2015年5月邁入法制化;在此之前,對於銀行業等金融機構及非金融機構以網路虛擬帳戶方式儲值,暨非金融機構辦理非基於實質交易之資金移轉等業務,尚乏適當之法律依據。政府為協助金流服務發展,在各界殷切期盼下,「電子支付機構管理條例」(以下稱「本條例」)遂完成制定。   本條例所規範之主體包括專營電子支付機構,與兼營之電子支付機構。而兼營電子支付機構中之銀行,長期以來都扮演金流提供者角色,惟本條例施行後,金融支付不再是銀行專利,各種新興網路支付工具挾著龐大電子商務商機挑戰銀行,這將對一向保守經營之國內銀行業產生巨大之衝擊。   本研究以美國PayPal及中國支付寶作為國際主要第三方支付機構之代表,探討其等之經營模式,並借鏡中國支付寶,論述其與銀行之競合關係及對銀行業務經營之影響,藉以分析未來我國專營電子支付機構與銀行二者間之競合關係及對銀行業務經營可能產生之影響;同時觀察我國第三方支付發展,及透過本條例及其相關授權法規命令之介紹,瞭解政府對電子支付機構之監理,進而歸納出銀行經營電子支付業務之未來發展趨勢。   藉由本條例開始施行,日後各類電子支付機構將推出各項創新之支付服務,來吸引使用者使用意願,有助於台灣電子支付產業快速翻轉,以迎頭趕上國際發展之腳步,甚而發展出在地化之電子支付服務,使我國電子商務產業更加繁盛。   對銀行而言,本條例允許非金融機構進入支付市場,勢將降低銀行在支付業務上之獲利。惟如從創新之角度觀之,第三方支付歷經多年發展,已衍生出多種業務模式,可為銀行帶來創新之金融服務;加之,以支付作為媒介,支付背後連結的是消費者之生活,以及因生活所產生之大數據,使銀行有機會接觸到新的消費客群,創造絶佳商機。   歸納本研究針對銀行因應本條例之施行所採取之策略,如:組織調整、人才建構及異業結合;電子支付業務未來發展趨勢,如:發展境內O2O、合作境外O2O、跨業整合互補優勢、銀行同業競爭激烈大者恆大等。Third-party payment has been a popular topic in recent years, and the regulations for third payment are finally implemented in May 2015. Before the enactment, banking institutions and non-financial institutions devoting in internet virtual account for online deposit along with non-financial institution conducting funds transfer service based on non-real transactions lacked legal basis. Eventually, under ardent expectations, and for the better off in payment services, “The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions” (hereby called, “the Act”) has finally been formulated. The main subject of the Act includes specialized electronic payment institutions and dual-status electronic payment institutions. Banking industry had always taken a part as dual-status electronic payment institutions offering payment services. However, as the Act is implemented, the payment services will no longer be banking institutions’ specialty. The institutions offering new e-payment tools with many e-commerce opportunities will inevitably impact the banking institutions. This study will discuss the representative third-party payment institutions, United States’ PayPal and China’s Alipay, by inquiring into their business models, and using China’s Alipay as reference to discourse its coopetition relationship with the banking industry. Thereby the future impact of third-party payment model to banking industry in Taiwan and their coopetition relationship could be examined as well. Reviewing on the Act and related law is to understand the government’s supervision on electronic payment institution. Finally, the banking industry’s future developments for electronic payment services are summed up. With the enactment of the Act, various electronic payment institutes will introduce different newly developed electronic payment services to attract consumers. The development could help strengthen Taiwan’s electronic payment industry instantly to catch up with the globalize progress, nurture Taiwan’s localization e-payment services, and flourish the e-commerce industry. As for the banking industry, the newly enacted Act allows non-financial institutions to enter the payment market, which certainly will cut down the banking industry’s profit in the payment service performances. However this new policy could also bring out new variety of business models, introducing innovative financial services. In addition, every payment connects the consumer’s lifestyle with the big data developed that makes the banking industry maximize the potential of data value behind each transaction, innovating commercial opportunities. To sum up, this study aims to analyze the banking industry’s development strategies after the enactment of the Act— e.g., organizational restructuring, talent construction, and horizontal alliances. Electronic payment service’s upcoming development trends— e.g., developing local O2O market, cross-border O2O market, convergence business models for complementary strengths, banking industry’s intense competition that makes the big ones get bigger, etc.3665290 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/7/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)電子商務第三方支付電子支付專營電子支付機構兼營電子支付機構E-commerceThird-party PaymentElectronic paymentSpecialized Electronic Payment InstitutionDual-status Electronic Payment Institution「電子支付機構管理條例」施行後銀行電子支付業務發展趨勢The Development of Electronic Payment Business in the Banking Industry after the Enactment of “The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions”thesis10.6342/NTU201600431http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274124/1/ntu-105-P02745023-1.pdf