2007-04-152024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681394摘要:我國現行行政罰法已於2005年2月5日由總統公布,並於翌年正式施行。而在此一法律施行前後,有關「(單)一行為(Tateinheit)」及其相對概念之「數行為(Tatmehrheit)」,其概念內涵究竟如何界清,在具體個案中又應如何實際認定,始終是一個相當困擾行政罰法之理論與實務的法律爭議。蓋依據我國現行行政罰法第五章,即同法第二十四條至第二十六條之設計,有關違反行政法上義務之行為,究應處予一罰,抑或數罰,以及相關之處罰與刑事制裁之關係復又如何等,原以行為之單、複數作為主要的判別基準;因此,如何正確地區分「(單)一行為」及「數行為」的概念,遂成為前開條文適用上的關鍵問題。 惟查我國現行行政罰法之制定,德國違反秩序罰法(Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten; OWiG)的影響,尤其深遠。而德國現行的違反秩序罰法者,最初原制定於1968年;在此之前,彼邦行政處罰制度,一方面一如我國舊制,散見於各行政法規中,而另方面,其體系之確立,也高度受到刑法理論的薰陶,所以該法制定並施行後,德國法學界如何在前理論與刑法學說的雙重制約下,逐漸發展出一套完整的「一行為」與「數行為」概念體系,其實頗有值得法律與事實背景相當雷同的我國學習與仿效之處。職是,本研究計畫將擬從比較法之觀點,嘗試分析並研究影響我國行政罰法之發展甚鉅的德國違反秩序罰法,乃至刑法,以藉由說明與介紹彼邦學說與實務就「一行為」與「數行為」概念所形成之理論的方式,確立我國行政罰法中相對應概念在具體個案上的認定基準,用能協助實務之實際操作,而落實行政罰法之施行。<br> Abstract: Taiwan’s current Administrative Punishment Law has been promulgated by the President on February 5, 2005, and was implemented in 2006. With the implementation of the law, defining and distinguishing between singular behavior (Tateinheit) and multiple behaviors (Tatmehrheit) in individual cases has always been a thorny problem both in theory and in practice. According to the 24th to 26th articles of the 5th section of Taiwan’s Administrative Punishment Law, singular behavior and multiple behaviors are key words that determine singular punishment or multiple punishments, and related punishments and criminal law when infringements arise. Taiwan’s current Administrative Punishment Law is deeply influenced by Germany’s Administrative Punishment Law (Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten; OWiG), which was originally implemented in 1968. In the past, her administrative punishment systems were similar to our old system, which was interspersed in a number of administrative laws. Germany’s systems were also highly influenced by criminal law theories, hence after the implementation of the OWiG, how German scholars develop a comprehensive system regarding singular behavior and multiple behaviors under the double constraints of previous theories and criminal law deserves to be studied by Taiwan with laws and backgrounds similar to those of Germany. From a comparative point of view, this study seeks to analyze Germany’s OWiG and even criminal law that have significantly influenced the Administrative Punishment Law of Taiwan. This study also explicates and introduces the theory and practice of singular behavior and multiple behaviors, which will shed light on distinguishing the terms in individual cases and help implement the Administrative Punishment Law in practice.行政罰法德國違反秩序罰法刑法違反行政法上義務之行為一行為數行為行為之單複數administrative punishment lawGermany’s administrative punishment law (Gesetz über OrdnungswidrigkeitenOWiG)criminal lawinfringing behaviors of administrative lawsingular behaviormultiple behaviorssingularity and multiplicity of behavior從德國法制之比較論行政罰法中之單一行為概念